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Hey! Below is the details to the first (?) Minehut Skript Competition! Similar to SkUnity, Users will submit a Skript that fulfils the requirements listed below in the google document also listed below. A quick disclaimer before we continue: I do not claim to be a skript 'expert' or anything else, I know there are many other users who are considerably better at Skript than myself, but I do, in fact, know Skript. To help, I have chosen @DeltaRays and @Seabarrel to judge submissions with me. We will test all Skripts (unless they don't fit the requirements) and the winners will receive a VIP rank on Minehut (can be given to another user if requested) and will officially be 𝓬𝓸𝓸𝓵. We will still give out 2nd and 3rd place positions but you won't get a prize.
- Create a skript game. Not a gamemode (Skyblock, Minigames etc) or anything like that, but a small game (like a board game or card game–but not too big, we want to be able to judge this without taking multiple hours to complete). You could create a game in a GUI, such as Tick Tack Toe, or a large-scale game of Connect 4, the choice is yours!
- It should be interactive and have some way to 'win' or beat other users (such as a score total).
- If the game is multiplayer you will be given extra points.
- All submission must be placed in the google doc. We will not judge any skript outside of there.
- You can use Addons, but you're not allowed to use a feature from an Addon which does this (don't think any do) - e.g if an addon does 'create game gui'.
- You must list all Addons used.
- You must use Skript to accomplish this - nothing sketchy with Vixio and web stuff (not that anyone would do this lol).
- If there are any errors in your code that cause it to not work, your Skript will not be judged and you will be disqualified.
How submissions will be judged:
We will judge your submissions based off our enjoyment of the game, how well the game works (efficiency) and looks, code readability (Comments might be cool?), the quality of the Skript, how complex the game itself is (just because your game isn't complex doesn't mean it won't win, if games are confusing or unnecessarily complex we will take marks off). You will not be judged on the length of the code. 
Better code = more points
If you're using a feature from an Addon that can be done in vanilla Skript, you will lose marks
Variable names, code structure, use of functions and code readability matters for this challenge. I'm specifically looking for the best code, not the smallest, but you shouldn't have code that is far too long, otherwise it's unlikely to be efficient.
If you need any clarification, reply below.
Good Luck Everyone, submissions will close in 2 weeks from now - June 1st. Winners will be announced in this thread on June 8th.
To enter, make a submission in the google doc below:
I reserve the right to change the rules, what we judge you on or the instructions at any time.
Edits in case you're too lazy to read the comments below:
- Your skript should be able to function and be played completely without the use of an area or base - if you skript requires some form of build (e.g connect-4) it must be built using the skript.
- Your skript shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes to play.
Edited by Migqy
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Support  July 29, 2020 → November 3, 2020

► Helper November 3, 2020 → February 22, 2021

► Moderator February 22, 2021 → May 17, 2021

 I might not always respond to forum dms, however I am always contactable on discord (mig#0069)

Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 5.23.33 pm.png

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Graphic Designer - Skript Developer - Professional Builder - Content Creator

Been on Minehut since January 2018. Throughout my time here I've mastered the skills you see above. I make free logos, banners, and server art for users on Minehut. I'm a proficient Skript developer. I'm also really good at building, you can see my portfolio by clicking here. Feel free to say hi if you see me somewhere 🙂

Amethyst Studios Discord

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5 minutes ago, WallyTube said:

Are command blocks allowed? I still have a skript, it is just aided by some command blocks to reset the levels

Doubt it. The whole point is that this is a skript competition.

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First Joined: July 2015
VIP: January 2020
Jr.Mod: 1st April 2020
Mod: 16th July 2020


~ Skript Developer
~ Discord: @nicholxs#0001
~ Previous names: Nichxlxs, Deterno, iHaveSkills, Retrical

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48 minutes ago, WallyTube said:

Are command blocks allowed? I still have a skript, it is just aided by some command blocks to reset the levels

Unfortunately not :<. We will only judge your Skript.


37 minutes ago, TheGoose said:

can we work in teams/pairs


As long as all members of the team are in agreeance, then you can work together. If you do work together, please state that somewhere in the google doc. If a team wins the challenge, I will leave it up to the team to decide the winner but I would probably assume the person who contributed the most out of the team would get it 🤷‍♂️

Please just leave one person as the main contact, though.

😆 good luck mr goose

Support  July 29, 2020 → November 3, 2020

► Helper November 3, 2020 → February 22, 2021

► Moderator February 22, 2021 → May 17, 2021

 I might not always respond to forum dms, however I am always contactable on discord (mig#0069)

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Just now, Shlba_lnu said:

Guys don't trust migqy, he's going to put you in his machine!

the machine you built? Also I am the most trustworthy person you will ever meet you insensitive swine.

Support  July 29, 2020 → November 3, 2020

► Helper November 3, 2020 → February 22, 2021

► Moderator February 22, 2021 → May 17, 2021

 I might not always respond to forum dms, however I am always contactable on discord (mig#0069)

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Just a bit of clarification on the 1st instruction in case anyone was a bit confused:

Games like TNT Run, Mining pvp stuff like that which require an actual build and/or other skripts that aren't directly related to it aren't allowed.

Games such as spleef or splatoon are allowed as they don't actually require a build and are based off of a skript alone. Your game has to able to function and work without a map at all.

If you want a build in your skript (e.g connect four) you need to build it using skript.

🙂 I'm looking forward to getting some great submissions! If you are confused at all, shoot me a dm or reply below.


Edit: Your game shouldn't take any longer than 5 minutes-ish

Edited by Migqy

Support  July 29, 2020 → November 3, 2020

► Helper November 3, 2020 → February 22, 2021

► Moderator February 22, 2021 → May 17, 2021

 I might not always respond to forum dms, however I am always contactable on discord (mig#0069)

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My opinion is Migqy wants a good gamemode for his server so he decided to pay some bucks for the best skript code considered by some experts xD

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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4 hours ago, Gaminger said:

My opinion is Migqy wants a good gamemode for his server so he decided to pay some bucks for the best skript code considered by some experts xD

(He's actually using it for his slave machine I built for him)

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