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UntitledGoose last won the day on August 16 2023

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Community Answers

  1. lol that's funny
  2. re: Skymner You need to format the string in /discord, otherwise "<link:...>" will show in plaintext.
  3. You can't say staff are biased because you got banned for impersonating Trent.
  4. When you entered your message, you forgot to remove the "birdflop.com" part. Just remove the birdflop.com from your message and reset your prefix
  5. @ram3n_nabi wrong post location
  6. kill victim would work, that's completely valid. The reference to the victim isn't deleted when the victim dies, and even if it did, when the server tries to kill the victim, the victim would still be alive and very killable
  7. bad habit of necroposting
  8. UntitledGoose


    inb4 he changed the post
  9. Hey how do u set a limit on dupe commands


  10. why did you post it if it wasn't yours ??? @boxboxboxbox_ also requesting lock for necropost
  11. invision moment also you forgot to put a send or other effect in the last line take it as constructive criticism
  12. For future reference, if you need somebody to make a script for you, you should post in the Marketplace section, not the Script Releases section @DeMineMeister
  13. Hey I am trying to do a script where when you right click, it shoots a fireball. I would like to add a 30 second cooldown to it, but It won't work. Could you explain to me why? here is the script: 

    on right click:
        if player's tool is  diamond sword:
            if colored name of player's tool is "&cFire Sword":
                shoot fire ball
                cooldown: 30 seconds
                cooldown message: &6Please wait 30 seconds!

    It says I does to understand line 5 and 6.

    1. SWATguy08


      If this is wrong area to post this I am so sorry.


    2. UntitledGoose


      It's better to post in the Skript - Discussion section rather than my profile.


      Anyways- the cooldown: and cooldown message: are properties that only work in commands, not events. You will have to manually implement a cooldown yourself.

  14. Locked Please refrain from replying to posts that have been inactive for a month or longer @Chixen, thanks!
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