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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Lapzzo


    Umm. You should backup your server and try to fix it. Why was he op anyway?
  2. Can you send the file.io link that you are using?
  3. Hey! Op yourself on the dashboard, and download the plugin EssentialsSpawn and EssentialsX, then restart the server! Hop into game and run the command /setspawn in the place where spawn is, then execute /spawn to get back there any time! Heres a tutorial of how to op yourself if your stuck
  4. Lapzzo

    Buttons Dont Work

    Work for me.. Hmm hopefully a mod sees ur issue
  5. Thanks, Ill try it out!
  6. Okay, hopefully a plugin that can do that, gets added soon
  7. Lapzzo

    World Uploading Issue

    Hey! Set it as the level world in your server settings! Go to settings, and in the level world box, type the world name, then restart the server. Hope this helps!
  8. All permissions edited on default, will apply on everyone, when they first join, till they get taken to another group, using commands.
  9. Yes, all players are in the group default when they first join.
  10. Lapzzo

    How do I read logs?

    You opened a compressed log file., go to the lastest log, while your ingame for the logs.
  11. Hey, please dont respond to posts that havent been interacted in for a month. This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules.
  12. Was it a skin template file? You can also find someone with the skin, and use there name for the skin
  13. Welcome to minehut! Ennjoy ur stay
  14. Try this: on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate": remove 1 of player's held item set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_random} is 1: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to player give player 1 diamond named "&6Gem" if {_random} is 2: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to player give player 2 diamond named "&6Gem"
  15. Hey! Get the zipped world file, and upload it into your file manager!
  16. Lapzzo


    Hes telling the truth, plugin suggestions should be closed
  17. Hey, please post logs in pastebin next time! In filemanager, are any of your world names contain anything that arent numbers or letters in the alphabet?
  18. Tame the horse, rightclick it with nothing in the hand and then put the saddle on while riding it by pressing e
  19. Thanks for following me, just a heads up, I post alot on forums, so sorry if you get alot of notifications

  20. In the settings! Go to your server settings, and in the level world box, type the name of the world.
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