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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Lapzzo

    Cant downgrade sever

    You prob have some 1.17 items in your server
  2. mr_Spot there was a legit reason. Trent said it in this post:
  3. Dont give out console at all! Also, yes you need console, but with multiverse, you can use the command /mvtp to jump between worlds
  4. You can still download worlds, download logs, upload schematics and see worlds in file manager. You cant jump between them without a filemanager like multiverse
  5. does <integer> and <number> do the same thing?
  6. I dont think this is anything minehut can do. Unless ur talking about ur server name
  7. Did you upload any worlds? If so what were they called
  8. It has to be the colour code &6Legendary Crate
  9. Did you upload a jar file, then restart the server?
  10. I dont think you can, the empty messages will just stack and say x6000
  11. Thanks. Btw lunar has spam stack mod, so the clearchat doesnt work
  12. How much should this msg pop up? How many seconds, minutes or hours? What should the message be to
  13. Download multiverse plugin, upload your world to file manager (make sure its a zipped world file) make sure the name is 1 word and only has letters in the alphabet and numbers. Then do /mv import <worldname> normal then /mvtp <worldname>
  14. Yes by uploading it from the file, then importing it with multiverse.
  15. Lapzzo


    Yes, in the market place category, you can ask for staff for you server!
  16. First of all, never give anyone dashboard access
  17. You can add it urself! Follow this tutorial!
  18. What error message does it kick you out with?
  19. Hey, please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month. This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules. Requesting mod lock
  20. The on right click only triggers if the player is holding an item named "&dLegendary Crate"
  21. I recommend doing @AbusingNub's way, as with skript you will need to block alot of commands
  22. Nice! Havent tested but it sounds pretty cool
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