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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Should I quit minehut forums?
  2. Hey, your kinda spamming, can you post stuff in 1 reply?
  3. Well, the dashboard owner can put the logs in pastebin, and share it
  4. You dont need to do it in file manager anymore. You can do it in the worlds panel
  5. on chat: if player is op: set the chat format to "%player's display name%&f: %message%" else: set the chat format to "%player's display name%&7: %message%"
  6. Lapzzo

    Mute Skript

    Also, just realised you posted this in help. For skript help, post topics in skript discussion
  7. BTW, you can also set the chat format using: set the chat format to "%player% said %message%" For more info check out:
  8. Lapzzo

    Mute Skript

    command /mute [<offline player>] [<number>]: permission: mute.* permission message: &cYou do not have permission for that! executable by: players and console trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&c/mute <player> <seconds>" if arg 1 is set: set {mute.%arg 1%} to number-argument broadcast "&b%arg 1% &6was muted by &c%player%" every 1 second: loop all players: if {mute.%loop-player%} is more than 0: remove 1 from {mute.%loop-player%} else: delete {mute.%loop-player%} on chat: if {mute.%player%} is more than 0: message "&6You can not talk while you are muted. &b%{mute.%player%}% &cseconds left." cancel event every 20 second: loop all players: if {mute.%loop-player%} is more than 0: set action bar of loop-player to "&6You can talk in &b%{mute.%loop-player%}% &cseconds." command /unmute [<offline player>]: permission: mute.* permission message: &cYou do not have permission for that! executable by: players and console trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&c/unmute <player>" if arg 1 is set: delete {mute.%arg 1%} broadcast "&b%arg-1% &6was unmuted by &c%player%"
  9. Lapzzo


    I got to agree. Im pretty sure, the old ones are better at helping in the lobbies, but the new ones help minehut grow and get better
  10. I havent went to the market yet
  11. Lapzzo

    Cant press save button

    When pressing save button in file manager, it does nothing Edit: its being covered by ads now
  12. The addons panel, is a bit big, and lacking photos, but the world panel is cool
  13. I dont think you can at the moment
  14. command /basketball <offlineplayer> <offlineplayer>: trigger: send "&d%arg-1% and %arg-2% are playing a basketball match." to player give stick named "&dTackle" to arg-1 give stick named "&dTackle" to arg-2 give stick named "&dPass" to arg-1 give stick named "&dPass" to arg-2 I dont think that will work, but try it
  15. Nice! For server advertisements, post this in server advertisements category.
  16. Lapzzo


    Pretty sure they mean minecraft mods, not minehut staff
  17. Hello! This can be added yourself. Just download the attached file, on the plugin link, then upload it to the plugins folder on your server's file manager
  18. Lapzzo


    Its a 8/10 for me. I respect your opinions
  19. Press the save button, then restart the server
  20. I didnt realise it was this simple lol
  21. Nice! For Balance you can use vault, and essentials, or a custom currency variable
  22. I didnt realise you were Tsb6 lol!

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