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About TankSniperD

  • Birthday 03/21/2007

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  1. I need ADVERTISERS for my SMP please. I'm LEGEND myself but thats not enough by myself. Reply to this or DM me
  2. You can go to the minehut lobby, and do /appeal then you can write a appeal to get your Punishment Lifted!
  3. TankSniperD


    Did you here about the 2 peanuts walking down the street, 1 was a "salted"
  5. Click here to watch a video of mods blowing up lobby 9 (No hate to the mods just thought it was funny )
  6. Staff/Development Recruitment Currently Recruiting: Helpers [✔] Moderators [✔] Developers/Skripters [✔] Builders [✔] If you are interested in applying for any of the positions above, Contact TankSniperD In-Game with the following format: Hello, I would like to apply for the [rank you are applying for] position. We require all applicants to have past experience in the position they are applying for. Thanks! Disclaimer: If you pass the application process, most of the ranks will NOT be paid excluding Developers, they MAY be paid
  7. I have recently finished it! and Hi Benny
  8. TankSniperD

    Help me...

    I accidentally IP banned myself on my server with a custom skripted IP ban command. I contacted support and they said they can't do anything, my console commands are not working too. Help
  9. Thanks! To be honest I have ZERO clue how to make permissions so I use luckperms....
  10. Here is the Rank Skript: options: noPerm: &c&lRANKS &8| &cNo permission. prefix: &c&lRANKS &8| on join: if {rank::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {rank::%player's uuid%} to "default" on load: set {modPrefix} to "&e&lMOD" set {adminPrefix} to "&c&lADMIN" set {ownerPrefix} to "&4&lOWNER" set {defaultPrefix} to "&7&lDEFAULT" set {traineePrefix} to "&6&lTRAINEE" set {builderPrefix} to "&9&lBUILDER" set {developerPrefix} to "&b&lDEVELOPER" set {managerPrefix} to "&c&lMANAGER" set {ranks::*} to "ADMIN", "OWNER", "MOD" , "HB" , "DEFAULT" , "TRAINEE" , "BUILDER", "MANAGER" and "DEVELOPER" command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: ranks.set permission message: {@noPerm} aliases: grant, setrank trigger: if argument 1 is not set: send "&6&m&l--------------------" send "&e/rank set (player) (rank) &8» &7Sets a player's rank." send "&e/rank list &8» &7Shows a list of all the groups on the server." send "&6&m&l--------------------" else if argument 1 is "set": if arg 2 is not set: send "{@prefix} &7Please specify a user to set the rank for." stop if {ranks::*} does not contain arg 3: send "{@prefix} &7That is not a role. Do &e/rank list &7to see the roles available." stop loop {ranks::*}: if arg 3 is loop-value: set {rank::%uuid of arg 2%} to {%loop-value%Prefix} send "{@prefix} &e%arg-2%&e's &7rank is now to set to %{%loop-value%Prefix}%&7." send "{@prefix} &7Your rank has been set to %{%loop-value%Prefix}%&7." to argument 2 stop else if argument 1 is "list": send "&6&m&l--------------------" loop {ranks::*}: send "%{%loop-value%Prefix}%" send "&6&m&l--------------------" The Rank Variable for a Custom Chat Skript is {rank::%player's uuid%} Enjoy The Skript
  11. Some People have underlined Signatures. How do I do that? Minecraft Color Codes?
  12. I need Builders for my brand new PvP Server. Questions: 1) Experience(Years, Months) 2) What is your Main style of building?(Medival, Futuristic etc.) 3) How long can you put towards building a day?
  13. Answer this in the reply section: 1) Experience(Years ; Months) 2) Why should I pick you 3) How long can you be on a Day to put towards building?
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