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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Minehut will be adding a live consle, which you can do this on. Using discordsvr you can also do a live console.
  2. Change the settings, then press save everytime u change one, then restart the server
  3. You have to press the save button under the settings boxes when saving settings
  4. If this is a forge mod, you can add this yourself!
  5. Hey, please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month. This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules. Requesting mod lock Ik you are new, but remember this pls
  6. Nice! Its simple, and works
  7. Im currently on another server rn, but I will try to join when I can (:!
  8. Welcome! Hope to see you on forums!
  9. Lapzzo

    Bug Report

    Did you disable mob spawning in ur settings?
  10. Will variables lose data, when changing names, if it is not player's uuid?
  11. Lapzzo


    Cool, hopefully I don't remember this in a decade. I will sue chess if I remember this post
  12. They might not, but for now, you can do all of that stuff in the new file manager, and world management plugins. I recommend multi-verse core
  13. I didnt realise you were new! Welcome
  14. You need to have an mc account brought from minecraft.net, or on bedrock edition, you can join by following this tutorial
  15. Minehut has been going down alot today. Hope everything's okay on minehuts side lol
  16. uDemolish uDemolish is an awesome RPG server, planned to release near the end of next month. Defeat mobs, collect there organs and body parts, and sell them to a very suspicious man Using the coins you get given, unlock portal access, then fight new and stronger mobs. Maybe even more valuable ones too... IP: uDemolish.minehut.gg Or minehut.com, then in lobby type /join uDemolish Club: https://forums.minehut.com/clubs/1212-udemolish/ ! ! ! COMING SOON ! ! !
  17. Go to your file manager, then go to mods folder, then upload the mod file! Hope this helps out
  18. Minehut is down I cant join Edit: I didnt realise its not released yet
  19. Is minehut currently down?
  20. Thanks, ill test this, and tell you if it works Edit: Thanks so much, it workedd
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