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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Hey! Im lapzzo and im not new to minehut or minehut forums, but I realised I never introduced myself here! So Hello minehut forums! If you want to ask me a question message me on forums or ingame (if im online ofc!) Note: this is not my main forum account I just use this all the time now. My original is just called Lapzzo!
  2. Wish I could help, but I'm terrible at building hahaha Hope you find someone soon!
  3. Lapzzo

    Plugins Interfering

    What is EssentialsSpawn doing to infer with it?
  4. Sounds interesting, but i've never used slimefun so I'm not sure how much it will help. Just my opinion
  5. Also please post these type of posts in the correct category. Requesting category correction mods
  6. Because to my knowledge I'm pretty sure in skript you cant start servers only close them.
  7. So you want it so at a certain time it closes and opens?
  8. Yo thats POG congrats!!! My goal is still far
  9. Hi... Human? Not really sure if you are a human seeing by your very great greeting, but anyways Welcome to minehut forums!
  10. This whole Minehut Unleashed thing is sounding pretty epic... These features will help me immensely.
  11. on join: while player is online: set {_tps::*} to tps set tablist header of player to " " set tablist footer of player to "TPS: %{_tps::1}% " wait 2 seconds
  12. I just went on a website and got a preview of ur skin then remade it on blender
  13. Hey you left so heres your profile pic
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