This is a skRayFall scoreboard; curiously enough, I recall testing skRayFall's scoreboard on 1.16.5 (which worked), but not on 1.17.1 (haven't tested yet).
However, I strongly advise you to utilize SkBee scoreboards because they are far more reliable and do not flicker, because it uses Teams.
Before we begin, make sure you have completed the following two tasks:
-> Ensure that the SkBee plugin is installed. It's an addon for Skript.
-> Open the file /plugins/skRayFall/config.yml using File Manager. Change the value of enableFastScoreBoards from true to false. This will allow you to utilize SkBee scoreboard without having to worry about skRayFall interfering with it.
Here's an identical replica of your script that's been tweaked to operate with SkBee:
set title of player's board to "&6&lAchieved &7(1.0)"
while player is online:
set line 9 of player's board to "&3"
set line 8 of player's board to "&7&lPlayer"
set line 7 of player's board to "&8• &7Name: &6%player%"
set line 6 of player's board to "&8• &7Rank: &6%player's prefix%"
set line 5 of player's board to "&5"
set line 4 of player's board to "&7&lServer"
set line 3 of player's board to "&8• &7Online: &7(&f%amount of players%/%maximum players%&7)"
set line 2 of player's board to "&8• &7TPS: &7%tps%"
set line 1 of player's board to "&0"
set line 0 of player's board to "&7&"
wait 5 seconds
I haven't tested it just yet, thus if it doesn't work, please post a quote-reply on this topic, and I'll be here again.
If you're interested, here's another guide on SkBee scoreboards.