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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. I don't even have an antivirus or ad blocker but I haven't got a minehut ad in 2 weeks!
  2. You got to apply and have all the requirements... If you don't get accepted you don't get accepted.. Sorry
  3. Welcome to minehut

  4. Please post this in the correct category. Requesting mods to change category! What do you need help with?
  5. Welcome to minehut!

  6. This is not tested, but im pretty sure will work!
  7. on mine of iron ore: if player's tool is a wooden pickaxe: cancel event send "&b&nYou need a Stone pickaxe or higher &f&nneeded to mine in this cave!" else: cancel event set event-block to stone give player 1 iron ore wait 7 seconds set event-block to iron ore
  8. Lapzzo


    Go to https://minehut.com/dashboard/home then start your server. Go to appearance then server console (server command) then in the box type /op <player>
  9. Again put this in a command block and get your custom sign!! /give @p minecraft:oak_sign{BlockEntityTag:{Text1:'{"text":"[RoyalMinez]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"mrl reset s2stone-mine -s"},"bold":true,"color":"red"}',Text2:'{"text":"Right-Click","bold":true,"color":"aqua"}',Text3:'{"text":"Reset The Mine","bold":true,"color":"aqua"}',Text4:'{"text":"[RoyalMinez]","bold":true,"color":"red"}'},display:{Name:'{"text":"MRL sign"}'}}
  10. I didnt see the fourth line! Let me generate a new command with the fourth line.
  11. Lapzzo

    Add Skript-yaml

    I hope this gets added so the community can do more skripts!
  12. Welcome to minehut

  13. What is the code? Is it a skript? If so please send it here
  14. Do you have a youtube channel?

    1. NotKaizo


      I do own a Youtube channel but haven't post much on it.

  15. Did you change the server name? Cant seem to find it
  16. Hm I'm not sure but ever since I converted versions it caused corruption. Again check if you accidentally changed any major settings
  17. But with skript you do: on right click on sign: if line 1 is "&c&l[RoyalMinez]": execute console command "/mrl reset s2stone-mine -s"
  18. Without skript you paste this command in a command block: /give @p minecraft:oak_sign{BlockEntityTag:{Text1:'{"text":"[RoyalMinez]","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"mrl reset \\u0020s2stone-mine -s"},"bold":true,"color":"red"}',Text2:'{"text":"Right-click","bold":true,"color":"aqua"}',Text3:'{"text":"Reset the mine","bold":true,"color":"aqua"}'},display:{Name:'{"text":"Custom Sign"}'}}
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