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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Hey sir welcome to minehut

  2. Welcome to minehut

  3. Lapzzo

    Skript help?

    This skript was inspired by one found online
  4. Lapzzo

    Skript help?

    I have encountered a weird problem in my skript.. command /CoinTop: trigger: loop {Coins::*}: add 1 to {_size} if {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} is not set: set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} to loop-index else: set {_n} to 0 loop {_size} times: set {_n} to {_n}+1 {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} is not set set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} to loop-index stop loop wait 1 tick set {_n} to size of {_low.to.high.list::*} loop {_low.to.high.list::*}: set {_high.to.low.list::%{_n}%} to loop-value set {_n} to {_n}-1 wait 1 tick set {_i} to 0 #THIS IS THE MESSAGE WITH TOP COINS send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Top10 &8>&7&m-----------" loop {_high.to.low.list::*}: add 1 to {_topnumber} set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer send "&7%{_topnumber}% - &f%{_player}% &8» &7%{Coins::%loop-value%}% Coins" add 1 to {_i} if {_topnumber} > 10: #this is top 10 you can change it stop send "&7&m------------------------------"
  5. Update: yeah it is the problem on my settings is grey and works!
  6. I think thats the problem. Try make it grey im pretty sure you disabled it there. not 100% sure. You can also do /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:nether_Portal
  7. Haven't tested, but it looks good!
  8. They wont know, but if you take items out it will be sus..
  9. That would hurt if it wont work, but im pretty sure it will work! GOOD LUCK! As StarBunnie said contact minehut staff using https://minehut.com/support/form
  10. Use worldguard to select one bottom side of the box to one other top side of the box then do /rg d Mine1 then do /rg flag Mine1 block-break true
  11. Did you switch from 1.16 to 1.17? If so that could've caused corruption. You might of pressed something without realising when changing the settings.
  12. Not sure if this is a nercropost but if it is don't necropost... It should work not sure what ur doing wrong.. /ad <Server> <message>
  13. I wish I was good at building
  14. Sounds cool! Will check out when its done!
  15. This plugin is still 1.16, which means 1.17 players cant use this. It is also not a plugin, but a texture pack, that gets requested, the reason it says plugin is because of the commands. Alot of the reviews are also quite negative so not sure.
  16. Lapzzo

    My server won't start.

    Had same problem to my server that took 1 month to skript
  17. This works! If you need a youtube tutorial here it is:
  18. This might work (I haven't tried this out yet) but there is no plugin on minehut (That I know of) that does this.
  19. Lapzzo

    Whitelist bugging?

    Did you do /whitelist add *<BedrockPlayerHere> and just /whitelist add <JavaPlayerHere> ?
  20. yess im nearly regular gang Edit: I have entered regular gang
  21. Ah I forgot I posted here sorry for double reply
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