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  1. https://adventurestudios.gitbook.io/adventure-studios/ This is the creator team's official support document for all their products including "Planes", If you still need help you can join their support discord (https://discord.gg/Cd8RHTdVgb)
  2. Hey, I am looking for a builder to build a few (small) Parkour courses for a Parkour game mode on my server. If you're interested, contact me on discord @! Josh#1373 - We can discuss prices there!
  3. Yeah, hopefully a future project for the developers
  4. Suggestion My suggestion is to make the forums dark-theme look better as it looks pretty buggy with many things not being visible and an easier way to find the option to change themes as it's right at the bottom of the page which many people will not see which is a shame as I'm sure a lot of people would love to use it.
  5. command /setspawn: trigger: set {spawn} to player's location send "&aSpawn has been updated to &7%{spawn}%&a." command /spawn: usage: &7Usage: &a/spawn trigger: send "&aTeleporting you to spawn &7(5)" wait 1 second send "&aTeleporting you to spawn &7(5)" wait 1 second send "&aTeleporting you to spawn &7(4)" wait 1 second send "&aTeleporting you to spawn &7(3)" wait 1 second send "&aTeleporting you to spawn &7(2)" wait 1 second send "&aTeleporting you to spawn &7(1)" wait 1 second teleport player to {spawn} send "&aYou have successfully been teleported to spawn." on first join: teleport player to {spawn} #Skript by QueenBee198 Super simple 1-minute Skript, If you end up using this then enjoy
  6. command /maxslots <number>: usage: &c/maxslots (number) permission: admin permission message: &cUnable to execute. trigger: set {maxqueue} to arg send "&aMaximum queue slots successfully set to &f%arg%&a!" command /minslots <number>: usage: &c/minslots (number) permission: admin permission message: &cUnable to execute. trigger: set {minqueue} to arg send "&aMinimum queue slots successfully set to &f%arg%&a!" command /queue: aliases: q, jq, joinqueue trigger: if {queue::*} doesn't contain player: if {queue::*} < {maxqueue}: add player to {queue::*} send "&aYou have been added to the queue! &7(&9%size of {queue::*}% &7/ &c%{maxqueue}% &7&oplayers in queue&7)" else if {queue::*} = {maxqueue}: send "&cThe queue is currently full. &7(&7(&c%size of {queue::*}% &7/ &c%{maxqueue}%&7)" else if {queue::*} contains player: send "&cYou're already in the queue! &7(&c%size of {queue::*}% &7/ &c%{maxqueue}%&7)" on quit: remove player from {queue::*} send "&c%player% &7disconnected and was removed from the queue. &7(&c%size of {queue::*}%/%{maxqueue}%&7)" to {queue::*} command /leavequeue: trigger: if {queue::*} contains player: remove player from {queue::*} send "&aRemoved from queue." else if {queue::*} doesn't contain player: send "&cYou're not in the queue!" command /fixqueue: permission: admin permission message: &cUnable to execute. trigger: set {queue::*} to 0 command /setqueuetp: permission: admin permission message: &cUnable to execute. aliases: sqtp, qtp trigger: set {queueteleport} to player's location send "&aLocation set." every 3 minutes in "World": if size of {queue::*} >= {minqueue}: teleport {queue::*} to {queueteleport} else if size of {queue::*} < {minqueue}: send "%nl%&cGame failed to start%nl%&cNot enough players in queue.%nl%" to {queue::*}
  8. on explode: cancel event
  9. is there a way to make it so fortune works on every block?
  10. Can u make a skript for auto smelting like if u mine a iron ore it smelts to iron ingot instantly.
  11. K im in discord now what I don't even have u added
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