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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Hey, please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month. This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules. Requesting mod lock
  2. Ive been getting all ranks early. I got active rank at 350 im pretty sure
  3. Lapzzo

    Newest SMP

    By the way, for advertising servers, post this in server advertisements
  4. Lapzzo

    Command Block Enable

    Hey, please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month. This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules. Requesting mod lock
  5. Lapzzo


    on post of post "Challenge": broadcast "%player% is now pog!"
  6. I just got a notification that I had a rank increase. I check and I levelled up to veteran rank, which is the last rank on minehut forums! My next goal is 1k posts! If anyone knows, can someone tell me how much people on minehut are veteran rank
  7. Lapzzo


    Hello! How much plugins do you have? Have you uploaded any worlds? If so what were they called
  8. Lapzzo

    air drops

    Hey, please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month. This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules. Requesting mod lock
  9. Hi, unfortunately, I cant fix this, but next time, if you need help with skript, post it in skript discussion.
  10. on join: apply night vision of tier 1001 without particles to player for 20 days
  11. Lapzzo

    A dupe plugin,

    You can add this urself!
  12. After some research, /ban-ip <playername> does work, if the player is online
  13. Lapzzo

    Cant break blocks

    What happens when you break them? What plugins do you have
  14. Thats really sad.. I cant help you anymore sorry :c
  15. Hi welcome to forums. your like the first one on forums to actually post more then once in there first day on forums

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lapzzo


      I try to help alot

    3. Lapzzo


      Im nothing compared to the top postersPoste.thumb.PNG.38c128256d7c4489b24a5e9cbce19c45.PNG

    4. Here4YouTsb6
  16. on load: create nametag "Welcome" set prefix of nametag "Welcome" to "&6&nWelcome to SkyWars10 %player%" on join: add player to nametag "Welcome" I think this needs skellette
  17. Incorrect. This should be in skript releases, as he is gonna be releasing skripts for people
  18. Lapzzo

    Server Keeps Stopping

    Okay I have 4 questions that might lead to me solving your problem What server plan is the owner using How many plugins is the owner using Did the owner upload any worlds What were the uploaded worlds named
  19. Thanks for the follow!

  20. This command has been removed. I recommend using a file manager like multiverse, to go to worlds. To upload worlds, upload it into file manager. Go to file manager, then upload the world file. Then download multi-verse, then do /mvimport <worldname> then /mvtp <worldname>
  21. What @MagentaPudding said wont work. Go to your panel on minehut.com , login, go to server appearance, go down and type in the console box, /pardon <yourusername> then type /op <yourusername>. Like what MagentaPudding said, I recommend banning who banned you, as they may be a threat.
  22. With multiverse, try do /mv import world normal then /mvtp world
  23. Yo hello! Welcome to minehut forums . Enjoy your stay!
  24. Adding to tsb6, upload your world in the file manager, then import it with multiverse using /mvimport then do /mvtp <name>
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