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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Not the case for me. You can add multiple elses
  2. Nevermind, ignore all the past skripts, this one is tested 100% to work. on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate": set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_random} is 1: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to player give player 1 diamond named "&6Gem" remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory else: if {_random} is 2: send "&dYey! &fYou found 2 diamonds!" to player give player 2 diamond named "&6Gem" remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory
  3. This should work better! on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate": cancel event set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_random} is 1: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to player give player 1 diamond named "&6Gem" remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory if {_random} is 2: send "&dYey! &fYou found 2 diamonds!" to player give player 2 diamond named "&6Gem" remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory
  4. OMG TYSM!! IT WORKS!!!!!!
  5. Lapzzo

    Falsely banned!

    With evidence that you didnt bot ofc
  6. Lapzzo

    Falsely banned!

    There must be a reason behind your ban. Try appealing again, or emailing minehut.
  7. I uploaded the world file below, to my server, but when I import it using MultiVerse, it says its not a world file, and in the filemanager, its at the bottom and the little file icon is not filled out, like the default worlds. Any help? The file is in the file.io link. https://file.io/PNRvcmPtnRym
  8. When I used lunar 1.16 I had the same problem, but when I switched to lunar 1.17 it got fixed. Normal minecraft 1.16 works tho
  9. Its a luanr client thing.. Switch to lunar 1.17 and it will be fixed
  10. Lapzzo

    World Uploading Issue

    Make the name pvp4 as the (2). has some unsupported characters
  11. if you need help, post it here, and someone will help you out. Post help in the help category, and skript help in skript discussion
  12. Crazy Enchantments right?
  13. Lapzzo


    I was on 1.8, and wasnt bothered to switch xD
  14. No problem! I just fixed a few mistakes, and made the send thing look better, most of it was from the help of you
  15. Lapzzo


    Alot of the times I make custom skripts, but yesterday I posted like crazy and was tired, so copied it from online
  16. With this skript, you cant wear it, and everything works! on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate": cancel event remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_random} is 1: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to player give player 1 diamond named "&6Gem" if {_random} is 2: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to player give player 2 diamond named "&6Gem"
  17. Lapzzo

    World Uploading Issue

    In the file manager, whats the world called?
  18. Lapzzo

    World Uploading Issue

    Hey, did you set the level world to a name of a world, or a random world name, cuz if you set a random world name, thats what will happen
  19. Are there any world names that contains any character thats not a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  20. Sorry if its too late, but, you need to be in the world, or someone needs to be in the world at all times for it to work, hope this helps.
  21. Hey, if your are searching for helpers or any type of people for your server, post it in marketplace.
  22. Yes it will! 2 of the stuff have already came out, and are completely free to see/use
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