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rewgwgr last won the day on August 12 2021

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About rewgwgr

  • Birthday August 5

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  1. Gonna Keep it Simple, I want to make a coin voucher skript, that gives you the amount on the name of the sunflower (ex; $1k Coin Voucher, $2.5k Coin Voucher, ect..) I dont really know how to describe it but: When i Right Click The Sunflower, it adds the amount to "{coins::%player's uuid%}" but im an idiot and i dont know how to do it, anyways Thanks! EDIT: FORGOT TO MENTION IT GETS RID OF THE SUNFLOWER AFTER!! Edit 2: i made some skript, its *very* bad but it works
  2. Hello! I Was Wondering if it Was Possible to Make a Hologram Leaderboard For the Players with The Most Blocks Broken. It Needs to Be Holographic (eg; Bedwars Leaderboard in the Bedwars Lobby on Hypixel) Thanks!
  3. Can Someone Make the Following Skript and Place it on the Marketplace (I Don't really know how the marketplace works, but i presume its just a more complicated version of what i just said). ANYWAYS Let me Explain: The Command: /envoy what it Does: it gives you an "Envoy Crate Key" (I Use CrazyCrates and I Have Already made & Set up the crate) So it should just run the command /ccrate give p Envoy 1 (player) I Would also like there to be a Limit, so only 10 people can run the command, then the envoy is over, when somebody types /envoy it also says "[Player] Has Claimed an Envoy, [amount] Keys Remain!" Envoys happen Each hour, with alerts at: - 45 minutes till envoy - 30 minutes till envoy - 15 minutes till envoy - 10 minutes till envoy - 5 minutes till envoy - 2 minutes till envoy - 1 minute till envoy - 30 seconds till envoy begins - (Countdown from 10) - Envoy Has Begun! Type /Envoy to Claim a Key! BASICALLY: Every 60 Minutes There is an Event, Players can Type "/envoy" and win a reward (it runs a command), only a certain amount of players are allowed to claim the prize, IT IS NOT A PHYSICAL CRATE!! Now, I know this is a MAMMOTH Task, but Im Willing to buy it off the Marketplace, Also other Players will probably want it, because its a nice addition to a server, you can also make it super customizable, (eg; Delay Between next envoy, Prize, Amount of players that can claim a prize, ect..) ( I Know this is a HUGE Task, But I will Buy it! ) (for more details about what i want, Join a Server called "GoldenDupe" they have a nice envoy system or, add me on discord Cow#1000) Thanks!
  4. haha if only somebody would put it on the marketplace so i could buy it
  5. Ill just Give you the Command Im using /give @p player_head{display:{Name:'[{"text":"G","color":"#FF6208","italic":false},{"text":"e","color":"#FF760D","italic":false},{"text":"m ","color":"#FF8112","italic":false},{"text":"B","color":"#FF9214","italic":false},{"text":"e","color":"#FFAA17","italic":false},{"text":"r","color":"#FFBB1C","italic":false},{"text":"r","color":"#FFC526","italic":false},{"text":"y","color":"#FFDC2E","italic":false}]',Lore:['{"text":"Instantly Fills Up","color":"gray","italic":false}','{"text":"Food Bar.","color":"gray","italic":false}']},{Berry:1},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-1250815544,554583851,-1415593823,1808666437],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2Y2MTY5YTM5NTA1OWI4MDU3OWEwMTEwZjEwZWJmY2I2ZWE2YjgxN2Q0ZTQxNjQxZDU5NGYwODJlYmU5M2M5NiJ9fX0="}]}}} 1
  6. 1. Thanks! 2. Is there a way to Make it a Specific Head? (The Tag for the Head is {Berry:1} )
  7. Change Saturation Amount! Hello! I'll get To the Point! I Made a Custom Player Head, And i Was Wondering if there's a way to make it so When you Right Click the Player Head, Your Saturation INSTANTLY Fills up. Thanks A Million! ~Rew
  8. Nope, its not gonna be a Physical Envoy, I Tried Using Crazy Envoy, but There was No Way to Get rid of the Physical Crates. Do you Know How? if so Please Explain! Thanks!
  9. Hello! Is it Possible to Change the Block Break Speed of a Certain Item using Skript? If So, Would someone Be so Kind to Make a Skript to Make Prismarine Shards Mine ANY Block in Exactly 5 Seconds. (it Takes 5 Seconds, No Matter the Block, Doesn't Matter If It's Dirt or Netherite Blocks) Thanks! ~Rew
  10. Hello! I am Currently Working on a Server and i would like to Implement an Envoy Feature! Let me Explain: The Command: /envoy what it Does: it gives you an "Envoy Crate Key" (I Use CrazyCrates and I Have Already made & Set up the crate) So it should just run the command /ccrate give p Envoy 1 (player) I Would also like there to be a Limit, so only 10 people can run the command, then the envoy is over, when somebody types /envoy it also says "[Player] Has Claimed an Envoy, [amount] Keys Remain!" Envoys happen Each hour, with alerts at: - 45 minutes till envoy - 30 minutes till envoy - 15 minutes till envoy - 10 minutes till envoy - 5 minutes till envoy - 2 minutes till envoy - 1 minute till envoy - 30 seconds till envoy begins - (Countdown from 10) - Envoy Has Begun! Type /Envoy to Claim a Key! ( I Know this is a HUGE Task, but it would make my YEAR. (for more details about what i want, Join a Server called "GoldenDupe" they have a nice envoy system or, add me on discord Cow#1000) Thanks!
  11. Hello! I am Currently Working on a Server and i would like to Implement an Envoy Feature! Let me Explain: The Command: /envoy what it Does: it gives you an "Envoy Crate Key" (I Use CrazyCrates and I Have Already made & Set up the crate) So it should just run the command /ccrate give p Envoy 1 (player) I Would also like there to be a Limit, so only 10 people can run the command, then the envoy is over, when somebody types /envoy it also says "[Player] Has Claimed an Envoy, [amount] Keys Remain!" Envoys happen Each hour, with alerts at: - 45 minutes till envoy - 30 minutes till envoy - 15 minutes till envoy - 10 minutes till envoy - 5 minutes till envoy - 2 minutes till envoy - 1 minute till envoy - 30 seconds till envoy begins - (Countdown from 10) - Envoy Has Begun! Type /Envoy to Claim a Key! ( I Know this is a HUGE Task, but it would make my YEAR. (for more details about what i want, Join a Server called "GoldenDupe" they have a nice envoy system or, add me on discord Cow#1000) Thanks!
  12. rewgwgr


    do i even have to explain.. tells you your join date! thanks!
  13. rewgwgr


    Its Pretty Self explanatory /daily does: /cc give [player] daily 1
  14. You're Probably reading this thinking, "I wonder what this Very Hard Skipt is?" Well Here it is! (Note: I don't really need this, it would just be nice) The Skript: SUPER COMPACTOR (what) (crazy ikr) Basically it automatically turns 32 Nether Wart in your inventory, into 1 nether wart block (I know thats not the real amount, but thats what i want!) Thats it! Thanks! any questions? ask away in the comments! also i cannot stress enough how unimportant this is, so if you know how to make it, but just don't wanna thats fine lmao
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