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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Right now, you cant, but you can use multiverse, or set one world as your level world!
  2. Lapzzo

    Server not opening

    Nice! Thanks for marking him, hope it doesnt happen again.
  3. Lapzzo

    Server not opening

    Did my thing fix it? If it does, if it did, mark me as the correct answer, so people who have similar problems can see the answer
  4. Welcome to minehut forums!

  5. What do you mean? Custom maps as in the plugin ImageOnMaps or something else?
  6. Lapzzo

    Server not opening

    For the solve*
  7. Lapzzo

    Server not opening

    Hey! Make sure your world name has only A-Z and 0-9 this may be your issue, since world names without English letters or numbers can mess up servers starting! Thanks to @LaurenA for the help
  8. How do i use this tho? Can you post a full skript using my scoreboard?
  9. Join and see if it works out!
  10. This would be so helpful!
  11. Lapzzo


    command /toggle: trigger: if {rdmtimer} is set: delete {rdmtimer} send "Turned off" else: set {rdmtimer} to true send "Turned on" else: send "no perms" every 10 seconds: if {rdmtimer} is set: loop all players: give loop-player 1 of random items out of all items
  12. command /coords: trigger: set {_loc} to location of player wait 1 tick send "%{_loc}%" to player
  13. Lapzzo

    im sorry trent

    I didnt realise this was a thing o_O
  14. I have a scoreboard skript that displays kills and coins, but the numbers are a bit messy, I was wondering if anyone can make it so if a player has like 2,000,000 it will say 2M and if someone has 1,000 it will say 1K and other stuff like 2,500 = 2.5K and 1,200 is 1.2K. Im sure you know what I mean, but I want it for all the numbers obv. If this doesnt make sense, reply, and I will try simplify it. Code on next page: on join: while player is online: wipe player's sidebar set {players.online} to number of all players set name of sidebar of player to "&4u&cDemolish" set score "&c&m+----------------------------+&l" in sidebar of player to 6 set score "&f" in sidebar of player to 5 set score "➣ Coins: &6⛃ %{Coins::%player's uuid%} ? 0%" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "➣ Kills: &f☠ %{Kills::%player's uuid%} ? 0%" in sidebar of player to 3 set score "&l" in sidebar of player to 2 set score "&c&m+----------------------------+" in sidebar of player to 1 wait 5 seconds
  15. Please post this in market place if you are looking for staff/skripters/builders or anyone that you are looking for
  16. Lapzzo


    Oh wait lol! We have the same skript, I was lazy so I got it online
  17. Lapzzo


    command /firstjoin [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: permission message: &cYou have no permissions to perform this command. usage: /firstjsoin <player> permission: admin.* trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is not set: if {first-join.%arg-1's uuid%} is set: send "&6%arg-1%&e's first join was &f%{first-join.%arg-1's uuid%}%&e." else: send "&cThis player hasn't played on this server." else: send "Unknown command." else: send "&cUsage: /firstjoin <player>" command /lastjoin [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: permission message: &cYou have no permissions to perform this command. usage: /lastjoin <player> permission: srmod.* trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is not set: if {last-join.%arg-1's uuid%} is set: send "&6%arg-1%&e's last join was &f%{last-join.%arg-1's uuid%}% &7(%difference between {last-join.%arg-1's uuid%} and now% ago)&e." else: send "&cThis player hasn't played on this server." else: send "Unknown command." else: send "&cUsage: /firstjoin <player>"
  18. https://forums.minehut.com/forum/24-player-appeals/ Sorry I sent wrong link
  19. https://forums.minehut.com/forum/3-player-appeals/
  20. Sorry, but you could of waited for a mod to stop someone elses spamming, but you decided to do that.. sorry try appeal here https://forums.minehut.com/forum/3-player-appeals/
  21. command /coords: trigger: set {_loc} to location of player wait 1 tick send "{_loc}" to player
  22. Isnt the link https://forums.minehut.com/forum/3-player-appeals/?
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