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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. What you said in the brackets didnt make sense.
  2. Yeah thats why I sent it
  3. Should I get legend rank or a server plan, for my server that wont come out [PRO] Lapzzo
  4. Lapzzo


    Forever and ever we post here.. Until we die
  5. Lapzzo


    This will never die
  6. Lapzzo


    We will make this live forever
  7. What are your plugins? One is tab and one is one I dont know. I can figure it out if you tell me all your plugins
  8. Is what I posted above what u needed?
  9. Oh nevermind, this should work: command /spawner: trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 3 rows named "&5&lShop" to player set slot 13 of player with monster spawner named "Cow" to close then run "/us givespawner _Wild_IQ cow"
  10. what item should they rightclick?
  11. Ive never used this plugin. Maybe I can try join and help?
  12. Hey I recommend running the command /whitelist on and /whitelist add <you> and /whitelist add <anyPlayer>. You need to be op for this.
  13. Please post this in help next time.
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