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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. What do you think the 1millionth minehut forum users name will be?
  2. Hope you can find someone who can help!
  3. ik but ask mods on discord or contact super league or something
  4. I remade abusingnubs one to make it work: on join: if {verify::%player%} is false: set {_location} to location of player every second: teleport player to {_location} send "&7Please verify by executing /verify to play!" to player else: if {verify::%player%} is true: send "&aWelcome back %player%!" to player command /verify: trigger: if {verify::%player%} is false: send "&aYou have &lverified &asuccessfully!" to player else: if {verify::%player%} is true: send "&cYou have already &lverified" to player on first join: set {verify::%player%} to false
  5. Try telling minehut staff, they can probally fix it
  6. Quote me if it doesnt work, if it does work, make sure to press the ^ arrow and the tick, to mark me as the answer.
  7. try: every tick in world "world": loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lSuper&4&lDBZ" set score "&6&lPlayer" in sidebar of loop-player to 7 set score " &7Name: &f%loop-player's displayname%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6 set score " &7Ping: &f%loop-player's ping%ms" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score " &7Balance: &c&l %{zeni.%loop-player%}% &7z" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  8. Ty I will fix this, next time if you want me to get a notification, quote me
  9. Please post this in skript discussion next time!
  10. Hey! If you uninstall multiverse, then go to settings and change the levelworld to the name of the world, then restart, you should be in the world
  11. Lapzzo

    Spawn teleport delay

    I use skript for teleporting stuff, I don't really use any other plugins beside skript
  12. Thats because playerserver got removed. For now, get the world file, go to your servers file manager, and press upload file, then upload the cave world, then restart the server
  13. Im pretty sure this should of been posted in marketplace
  14. I strongly agree and disagree in a lot of stuff. I never really experienced the old minehut, before super league brought it, but the parts I agree on like gens and p2w are reasonable. I really do have a different POV about the minehut unleashed thing, as you don't to go to the market as it is optional. Minehut is not forcing you to go on the market. Custom plugins and no plugin cap lead to better, and unique servers never seen before on minehut. As someone who doesnt do stuff for money on minehut, I can see why they are doing stuff for money. Minehut is paying money to host our free servers, so need money back in return, and some server developers have stores, to actually earn from there servers.
  15. What plugins add /eco? Some plugins only allow player names to be used in commands. Example, /eco Lapzzo
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