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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Go to file manager, then upload file, then the world file. Im pretty sure it has to be zipped
  2. The command is gone, go to file manager, and upload the world there. Heres a tutorial
  3. Never mind try this: on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate": remove 1 of player's held item function random(p: player): set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_random} is 1: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p} give {_p} 1 diamond named "&6Gem" if {_random} is 2: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p} give {_p} 2 diamond named "&6Gem"
  4. on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate": remove 1 of tool from player's held item function random(p: player): set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_random} is 1: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p} give {_p} 1 diamond named "&6Gem if {_random} is 2: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p} give {_p} 2 diamond named "&6Gem
  5. No problem! It is helping alot of people, thanks for making it
  6. You can add this plugin by following this tutorial,
  7. Yeah, but im pretty sure its possible
  8. This is possible, but would take forever
  9. By the way, please post this in skript discussion next time, skript releases is for new skripts for the community
  10. I just figured out what I did wrong.. Im so dumb, sorry for making that dumb mistake
  11. Is this a plugin suggestion? I dont think it is, so if you need help, post this in help next time, but if you need skript help, post them in skript discussion, not skript releases
  12. My server is ready to release, but I need /worlds so it works! Please if any mod/admin or anyone knows when it will come back, msg me. Also I already use multiverse and level worlds, but they dont do what I need them to do, so /worlds and /world <name> will be great to get added back
  13. Hia! Please post this in the marketplace, as the section you have posted this in, is for advertising servers.
  14. Hey! There are many plugins on minehut that do this, plus you can add this yourself! Follow this post made my @AbusingNub
  15. The server must be online for it to work, im pretty sure
  16. I think its gonna be some random tiktok girl name lol
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