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  1. nothing happends if i right click a item with a name as &dLegendary Crate
  2. But you still cant build anymore cuz the on right click:
  3. But if you use else i cant add more and you cant wear any clothes or place anything do to the on right click
  4. but now you cant place anything or wear any armor or any right click you know a fix?
  5. one error remaining but when i fix the error it won't even do this part anymore: on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate": remove 1 of tool from player's held item It won't remove the item out the players hand
  6. i fixed ALL the spaces but it still won't work
  7. but now you cant place anything or wear any armor or any right click you know a fix?
  8. This is what i have: on right click: if name of player's tool is "&dLegendary Crate" remove 1 of tool from player's held item function random(p: player): set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_random} is 1: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p} give {_p} 1 diamond named "&6Gem if {_random} is 2: send "&dYey! &fYou found diamond!" to {_p} give {_p} 2 diamond named "&6Gem But it will take the crate and dont give items this are the errors:
  9. I would like it to be if u do "/lootcrate open" it will open a gui chest and you can put items in it. (u need the permission permission.lootcrate) when you right click a stick (i can change it myself) it wil give 3 random item out that gui chest. If u can make this i would be sooo happy! pls dm me on discord Evanbeer#0001 cuz i read my discord more often then the minehut forums.
  10. Ohw sorry i will move to discussion
  11. I would like it to be if u do "/lootcrate open" it will open a gui chest and you can put items in it. (u need the permission permission.lootcrate)when you right click a stick (i can change it myself) it wil give 3 random item out that gui chest.If u can make this i would be sooo happy! pls dm me on discord Evanbeer#0001 cuz i read my discord more often then the minehut forums.
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