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BOXEY last won the day on February 7 2022

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  • Birthday 06/22/2005

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  1. i think in might be indent but here i think is should work command /fb: aliases: /ForceBroadcast trigger: broadcast "&f[DupeLiife]&c [Tip] &2 Do /dupe if you didn't know already" to all players command /fb2: aliases: /ForceBoradcast2 trigger: broadcast "f[DupeLiife]&c Felling Lonely? &2 Do /howtoadvertise!
  2. how to i add a head with custom nbt data Sculk Shrieker (minecraft-heads.com) this is the texture i want to be on the head
  3. I made an old skript of mine better with much more options! Here is the new skript that should work much better than the last skript SKRIPT - Enchant GUI - Pastebin.com
  4. is is possible to get the enchants that the player gets after enchanting this is what i have rn and it is not working on enchant: set {_ench} to applied enchantments send "%{_ench}%" i have tried on enchant: set {_ench} to the applied enchantments send "%{_ench}%"
  5. yea this should work options: p: &3AC-Find &8| &7 command acfind [<player>]: permission: ac.find permission message: &cHey!&7 You cant do this trigger: if arg-1 is set: set {_w} to arg-1's world send formatted " " and "{@p}<command:/tp %player% %arg-1%>&c%arg-1%<reset>&7 found in &c<command:/mvtp %{_w}%>%{_w}%" and "" else: send "{@p}&cPlease name a player!"
  6. let me know if this works on damage of player: attacker's tool is gold axe named "&4Ban Hammer" if attacker has permission "banhammer.use": kick victim ban victim due to "U TRASH KID" else: send "YOU Cant use this L!" to attacker
  7. i would just use a command with a cooldown (ill put an example). but if you dont want to do that just get rid of the trigger in the "every 86400 seconds" part. I would also recommend just deleting the the "{dr::*} var Update for your code command dailyreward: trigger: if {dr::*} does not contain player: add player to {dr::*} give diamond to player send "Enjoy!" to player else: send "you already claimed your daily reward" command resetdailyreward: permission: op permission message: &6No permission for that! trigger: delete {dr::*} send "daily rewards can be used again!" to player every 86400 seconds: delete {dr::*} example of cooldown on other page When to a new page for read ability anyway, here is a command with cooldown command daily: cooldown: 1 day cooldown message: You need to wait &l%remaining time% &rto use this command again! cooldown bypass: daily.nocooldown trigger: give diamond to player send "Enjoy!" to player play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
  8. try on drop: if player is holding diamond sword: cancel event message "&cDrop Canceled &6| &cTo trash this item, do &a/trash&6 | &cTo trade this item, do &a/trade&c!" to player then finish the skript let me know if it worked
  9. i dont realy see why you need to have the {_dupe} var so just get rid of it and try (idk what else might work idk if this even works) command dupe: trigger: if player's held item is a player head or shulker box or redstone ore or redstone dust or redstone block or a enchanted golden apple or an enchanted book or sugar cane or nether wart or nether bricks or a nether brick or red nether bricks or a red nether brick wall or red nether brick walls or a map or paper or a compass or nether bricks or a nether brick or nether brick or a white shulker box or orange shulker box or blue shulker box or pink shulker box or lime shulker box or black shulker box or gray shulker box or magenta shulker box or red shulker box or cyan shulker box or light blue shulker box or light gray shulker box or brown shulker box or green shulker box or yellow shulker box or purple shulker box or a shulker box named "anything" or a wither skeleton skull or spawn egg: send "&e[&6&l!&e] &cThis item cannot be duped! &e[&6&l!&e]" stop else: add player's held item to player
  10. BOXEY


    i was look at some skript docs and found this on chat: set {_msg} to mirror "%message%" set the chat format to "%player's prefix% &7%player% &r➢ %{_msg}%" any know what it might do?
  11. the plugin will be so much better and will have little lag but here is sum i made in like 10 min leme know if it works (i didn't test it) options: p: server &8| &7 perm: mine.admin permmsg: &cYou cant do that! block: stone command setMine [<text>] [<int>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@permmsg} trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is 1: set {%arg-1%pos1} to location of player's target block send "{@p}%{%arg-1%pos1}%" if arg-2 is 2: set {%arg-1%pos2} to location of player's target block send "{@p}%{%arg-1%pos2}%" if arg-2 is not 1 or 2: send "{@p}Please say 1 or 2" else: send "{@p}Please say A Name for the mine" command ResetMine [<text>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@permmsg} trigger: if {%arg-1%pos1} and {%arg-1%pos2} are set: send "{@p}Repairing monuments..." set {_loc1x} to floor(x-coordinate of {%arg-1%pos1}) set {_loc1y} to floor(y-coordinate of {%arg-1%pos1}) set {_loc1z} to floor(z-coordinate of {%arg-1%pos1}) set {_loc1} to "%{_loc1x}% %{_loc1y}% %{_loc1z}%" set {_loc2x} to floor(x-coordinate of {%arg-1%pos2}) set {_loc2y} to floor(y-coordinate of {%arg-1%pos2}) set {_loc2z} to floor(z-coordinate of {%arg-1%pos2}) set {_loc2} to "%{_loc2x}% %{_loc2y}% %{_loc2z}%" execute console command "/fill %{_loc1}% %{_loc2}% {@block}"
  12. any1 know why this works even when the file does not exist if "plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/schematics/index%{_n}%-arena.schem" exists: is says it exist even when it doesn't
  13. This is a skript that lets you make a space that you can change will in seconds. you can change the size of the area WARNING: when loading in new arenas it will paste in at the first pos you set This command uses FAWE, skript, skript-reflect Skripts : FaweAPI.skArena.sk
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