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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. This sounds great! I might join and give it a chance
  2. Is it a skript currency or a plugins currency?
  3. Like Tarna said, it is possible, but if you do, you will get banned. It is says in the rules its not allowed.
  4. Lapzzo


    You can add this urself! Quote me if you need help now
  5. I think you can with SKquery. I cant find it rn, but I will find it, as I posted it in another post.
  6. Lapzzo


    Just checking on this post
  7. I found a forge version. This should work. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-portals-for-forge
  8. /ul is removed due to PlayerServer. You can upload a world directly from file manager
  9. /worlds is removed due to PlayerServer. Upload a world from file manager, then import it with the plugin MultiVerse https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/multiverse-core.390/
  10. Lapzzo


    Did you upload any worlds? How much plugins did you have?
  11. At the moment, no, but he/she could give you access to the dashboard, so you can do anything on the server. You can also make a new account, which only you two have access too, then make servers on there. Hope I helped a bit
  12. Hey, it would be cool if in the dashboard, if you clicked the amount of players online bar, it will show a list of the players name, and if you want, there head
  13. Im not sure what your talking about.. I have proof of it working lol!
  14. I havent used minehut in long, but there might be a fabric version. Im not sure tho, havent gone on for long
  15. Hey. Leave and rejoin minehut after doing so, then it should work
  16. Hello! Let me fix your skript! command /spawn: trigger: send title "&lYou are being teleported to spawn!" wait 3 seconds teleport player to -277, 72, 493 in world "world" send "&aTeleported!" to player
  17. Lapzzo


    Hey, please post skript help in the skript discussion category. I will now skript this for you. on death: if victim is pig: loop all entities: if loop-entity is chicken: set health of loop-entity to 0
  18. Lapzzo


    Welcome! I hope to see you on the forums
  19. PlayerServer is removed. You cannot use commands. In server settings, go to WORLDS tab, then upload the world file. It must be a zipped minecraft world file. Make sure the name has no spaces, and is simple like MainWorld or World2 lastly, import it with multiverse. /mv import <worldname> then /mvtp <worldname>
  20. Lapzzo

    Mute Skript

    Sure! Let me get it skripted for ya! This will say that the player is muted when muted, but when the op chats, they will be able to talk command /mute [<offline player>] [<number>]: permission: mute.* permission message: &cYou do not have permission for that! executable by: players and console trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&c/mute <player> <seconds>" if arg 1 is set: set {mute.%arg 1%} to number-argument broadcast "&b%arg 1% &6was muted by &c%player%" every 1 second: loop all players: if {mute.%loop-player%} is more than 0: remove 1 from {mute.%loop-player%} else: delete {mute.%loop-player%} on chat: if player is op: set {NothingLol::%player%} to true else: if {mute.%player%} is more than 0: message "&6You can not talk while you are muted. &b%{mute.%player%}% &cseconds left." cancel event every 20 second: loop all players: if {mute.%loop-player%} is more than 0: set action bar of loop-player to "&6You can talk in &b%{mute.%loop-player%}% &cseconds." command /unmute [<offline player>]: permission: mute.* permission message: &cYou do not have permission for that! executable by: players and console trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&c/unmute <player>" if arg 1 is set: delete {mute.%arg 1%} broadcast "&b%arg-1% &6was unmuted by &c%player%"
  21. Lapzzo

    World Gone???

    Hia! In your server settings, in the level world box, write world If it doesnt work, you probably named your world something else, but it should work.
  22. Im probably gonna stay on here till I get bored then quit
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