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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Lapzzo

    Skript Help

    every 1 second: loop all players: if player's inventory contains < 1000000 emerald named "Jump booster": apply potion of jump boost of tier 2 to player for 2 seconds
  2. Hello. do everything you did, then get multiverse, then restart, then do /mvimport <worldname> normal then do /mvtp <worldname>
  3. Do you have a minecraft account brought from minecraft.net, or a microscoft account?
  4. Lapzzo

    I got banned?

    You need to go to the dashboard of the server, then type /pardon matthewgoat2692 or whatever your name is. Op yourself while your there
  5. uDemolish bug report formatting See a suspicious player, or see a game changing bug? Report it in the report category, following the formats below, so they can get dealt with. Player Report format: Use this format when reporting a suspicious player Bug Report Format: Use this format when reporting a bug that might ruin the server Please not fake/prank reports will get you kicked from this club and banned from uDemolish
  6. Everyone say 1 sentence, to make an anime about minehut lol
  7. I used a random word generator to get some random name, then removed 2 letters and added 2. I ended up with Lapzo, but it looked wrong, so I changed it too Lapzzo
  8. Lapzzo

    Help backup

    In the dashboard, stop your server, then go to backups, then backup the server, then start it up
  9. Lapzzo

    Problem with my servers

    Hello, please start your server, then join it.
  10. Lapzzo


    Right now, only voting, but sometimes minehut gets sponsored, so you can watch a video for credits.
  11. options: discord-link: https://discord.gg/sAA7kMNuaV prefix: &7[&dDiscord&7] &8| &f link-text: &6&lCLICK HERE &f suffix: to join the discord. command /discord: trigger: send "{@prefix}<link:{@discord-link}>{@link-text}<reset>{@suffix}" to player You mixed up spaces and tabs, so this wont work. I fixed it for you, here
  12. Close mc, then make sure your logged in into a minecraft.net account or microscoft, then join your server
  13. Lapzzo

    how do i add mods?

    You can, but it must be a sponge forge mod. Change your version to sponeforge, then drag the mod into the mod folder. Make sure to restart
  14. command /aote: trigger: give diamond sword named "&bAspect of the End" to the player options: item: diamond sword named "&bAspect of the End" command: command on right click: execute console command "tp %player% ^ ^1 ^5" if player's tool is {@item}
  15. In settings set spawn protection to 0, then save then restart
  16. on death: if attacker is player: add 1 to {%attacker%.kills}
  17. You can only ad in the lobbys, and if you want to tell your players ad messages, dont do it in the lobbies or someone elses server, only in yours. If you do it in other servers you will get muted for server advertising and self promoting
  18. Make sure you logged into a minecraft.net account or a microscoft account
  19. What client do you use for minecraft
  20. Do this in settings. Change it to 0, then press save, then restart the server
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