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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. You need vault and luckperms. If it doesnt wok try get essentials with those other 2 plugins
  2. Hello. Sadly I cant do anything, other than tell you to apply here https://minehut.com/support/faq Press the contact support button at the bottom
  3. Lapzzo


    This sounds good, it would be nice if certain panels need different passwords
  4. Alot of ppl have been banned for bot, because they were spamming some stuff about "sus" or some other stuff, and if you said it with them, you will be detected for bot and be banned/muted
  5. Press contact support. If someone at any time is spamming ANYTHING, do not say something similar to what they are saying, as you will be detected as a bot, and get banned/muted.
  6. the plugin needs to be the same version as your server
  7. Lapzzo


    At least im on it
  8. If anyone is spamming anything, dont say what they are saying. You will be detected as a bot, as you are supporting spam
  9. Lapzzo

    banned for "botting

    Seems like lots of people have been banned for botting. Thats really weird. Did you say anything in chat?
  10. You cant tweak it in minehut, Im pretty sure if you wanna tweak a plugin, you have to know to code plugins. You should upload it to your desktop then edit it from there.
  11. Thanks for joining the uDemolish club!

  12. Please dont spam. It can only get you punished. Where are you downloading the jar file from?
  13. Did you say anything in chat that anyone else said?
  14. Noice! It looks like it would work, and I was wondering what you would rate my grapple hook skript. I might try this if I make an smp
  15. Lapzzo

    Cant upload world

    The world wont work if it isnt valid, please make sure its a valid world file. I can upload files perfectly
  16. Lapzzo

    Why did this guy get banned for posting? Anyone know, reply pls?

    1. HugeAdventure


      i don't know. askin the same.

  17. Please don't its against the rules
  18. I see. What is your level world, how much plugins do you have, and did you upload any worlds?
  19. Hey sorry, im pretty new to head nbt, and nbt overall, but why doesnt this work? command /test: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&4TEST" to player format gui slot 0 of player with player head with nbt "{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;1694348685,-1205448775,-1416642746,-1392269805],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOWUyNWRiZTQ3NjY3ZDBjZTIzMWJhYTIyM2RlZTk1M2JiZmM5Njk2MDk3Mjc5ZDcyMzcwM2QyY2MzMzk3NjQ5ZSJ9fX0="}]}},display:{Name:'{"text":"Money Bag"}'}}" named "test"
  20. it was great while it lasted!
  21. Where do I get head Nbt from?
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