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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. darth you need op to unban someone. To use console to unban someone, dont use / do something like pardon <player> for example pardon lapzzo
  2. Try this. command /give [<player>] [<item>] [<number>]: trigger: if arg-3 is higher than 64: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou cannot give yourself more then 64 of an item!" to player else: give arg-3 of arg-2 to arg-1 send "&2&lVelvetSurv>> &aYou have given yourself &a%arg-3% &a%arg-2% &ato &a%arg-1%&a!" to player
  3. It is working for me. Try again at minehut.com
  4. do /vote, link your account using the command said, then press the other link and type the same username u typed the link command on
  5. Please dont reply to posts that havent been interacted with for a month. Asking a mod to lock...
  6. A command with a pasword. You need to write some numbers after the command for it to do something
  7. How can I add a pasword to this skript? Ive tried something like command /repair <player> <number> trigger: if arg-2 is 10: # Do stuff But it wont work. Heres the skript # Skript made by NotKaizo, Thanks NotKaizo -Lapzzo options: balance: {coins::%player's uuid%} repair_cost: 50 command /repair <player>: usage: &cIncorect usage! trigger: if arg-1 is set: open inventory of arg-1 to player set {activeGui::%player's uuid%} to "inventoryGui" play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to player else: send "e" to player on inventory click: {activeGui::%player's uuid%} = "inventoryGui" cancel event set {_dura} to max durability of clicked item set {_fix} to durability of clicked item if {_fix} < {_dura}: if {@balance} >= {@repair_cost}: remove {@repair_cost} from {@balance} repair clicked item play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player else: play sound "entity.villager.no" to player send "&cYou do not have enough!" else if {_fix} >= {_dura}: play sound "entity.villager.no" to player on inventory close: if {activeGui::%player's uuid%} is "inventoryGui": delete {activeGui::%player's uuid%} send "&cYou closed your inventory!"
  8. Turn on hardcore, then press save under the box, then restart server and it should work!
  9. This isnt a vanilla thing, it must be a plugin/mod you have. Can you list them please?
  10. I think we are necroing now. Can we just please upload it? Its really not that hard
  11. Thanks for the help, but it doesnt work. Is there any required addon?
  12. Hello. Change it to easy, then press the save button under the box that you changed it on, then restart the sevrer. ! DO NOT RESET THE SERVER, RESTART THE SERVER! !
  13. You can add this yourself. Just drag the folder in the plugins folder on your dashboard, then restart and it should show in /plugins
  14. How do you obtain money? A money variable can be anything like {Money::%player's uuid%}
  15. I think goats are coming out in part 2 (1.18) but im not 100% sure
  16. Dont use / when your doing in console. Just type op lapzzo replace lapzzo with ur minecraft name
  17. Im doing this because I dont want them to be able to execute /repair, but console to do /repair <player>
  18. Im not sure what I did, but I think I broke it. Also did u find a way to make it so u cant repair items that are full durability? Broken skript: command /repair [<player>]: permission: repair.use trigger: if arg-1 is set: open inventory of arg-1 to arg-1 set {activeGui::%arg-1's uuid%} to "inventoryGui" play sound "block.note_block.pling" to arg-1 send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to arg-1 else: open inventory of player to player set {activeGui::%player's uuid%} to "inventoryGui" play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to player on inventory click: {activeGui::%player's uuid%} = "inventoryGui" cancel event set {_dura} to max durability of clicked item set {_fix} to durability of clicked item if {_fix} < {_dura}: if {@balance} >= {@repair_cost}: remove {@repair_cost} from {@balance} repair clicked item play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player else: play sound "entity.villager.no" to player send "&cYou do not have enough!" else if {_fix} >= {_dura}: play sound "entity.villager.no" to player on inventory close: if {activeGui::%player's uuid%} is "inventoryGui": delete {activeGui::%player's uuid%} send "&cYou have canceled your purchase!" Also I made it so the player in the command (Argument-1) doesnt get opened to the executer, but to arg-1. That was my original intention, but it seemed to break it
  19. Lapzzo

    Glowing torch

    There is a setting in minecrafts setting to make torches glow. I think its called dynamic lighting. Change it to fancy
  20. Question: I can repair stuff already repaired. Any fix?
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