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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Not rn but its 1 hour later
  2. If you have TAB (Also known as TAB reborn) you can edit it in the file manager by going to Plugins - TAB - Config.yml Then you can edit. Be careful when editting as one mistake can break the whole plugin. You can edit animations in the animations file also in TAB
  3. Is this fixed? I dont want to lose skript progress
  4. Wont be long till patron next default rank
  5. Yep I figured that out. Thanks for the help tho
  6. Lapzzo

    Why won't tuske work?

    Oh no wonder I cant format. I made a post yesterday, how do I use skript-gui?
  7. Yes and I absoultely destroyed you with in a week. I gotta be so fastest one to get 1,000 posts in less then 2 months.
  8. I am really confused at the moment. I have a GUI skript. command /why: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "Test" to player format gui slot 0 of player with dirt But every time I ad the format gui slot 0 of player with dirt the command just becomes unknow. The command works when I do command /why: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "Test" to player But when I add the format part it just says the command is unknown and I have no idea why. I need help as soon as possible. ! THIS HAS NOW BEEN SOLVED !
  9. Lapzzo


    In what server?
  10. Hello, This post has not been interacted for a month, or more and you have replyed to it which is against the rules, Requesting mod lock
  11. what server are you on? It could be a plugin OR an effect. If its an effect drink milk, but if its a plugin either remove the plugin or if you want the plugin you have to live with the glow effect. It may also be possible to turn it off in the plugins config
  12. The newest joined person on forums needs to be banned or name changed. Thanks
  13. command /dupe: trigger: if player's tool is diamond or iron or emerald or gold or iron or netherite: send "&c[ERROR] You cannot dupe this item." to player else: give player player's tool send "&4&lYou just duped &6&l%player's tool%" This should work try it also after the send lines do to player. Like send "This is an example" to player or send "This is a broadcast that doesnt show in console" to all players to make a broadcast that does not show up in console
  14. Minehut wont remove it just because you want to make a server
  15. Is it a skript or plugin? if its a skript send the skript pls
  16. What items should it give?
  17. Download the plugins multiverse and VoidGen then do the 2 commands: /mv create Void normal -g VoidGen /mvtp Void
  18. Just to add on: If I need any other plugins tell me
  19. I agree with guy above me
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