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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Lapzzo

    Blender Render

    I can make renders of mc maps, I just need a downloadable world file, and a heart on this topic
  2. Hello, This post has not been interacted for a month, or more and you have replyed to it which is against the rules, Requesting mod lock
  3. Lapzzo

    Blender Render

    Sorry for 2 of the same camera angle/poses, you can request what postion you want if you want and ill remake
  4. Hi, since I want rep, I decided to make this post. Post your minecraft names below, and ill make a blender render of the skin. It can be anyones skin, but there is a requirment. You must heart this topic cuz yes c: Heres an example.
  5. Hello, This post has not been interacted for a month, or more and you have replyed to it which is against the rules, Requesting mod lock
  6. Try %clicked entity% ANSWER [SOLVED]
  7. Lapzzo

    Half quitting

    I used to post ALOT on forums, but I wont post as much as I used to. I will still post tho
  8. on consume: if event-item is honey bottle: cancel event apply poison to player for 3 seconds set player's held item to bottle
  9. on consume: if event-item is honey bottle: cancel event apply poison to player for 3 seconds That should work
  10. Hi. Go on addons and search SuperVanish, then restart. Minehut already has supervanish
  11. Hello, This post has not been interacted for a month, or more and you have replyed to it which is against the rules, Requesting mod lock! Did mrtibo just necropost?
  12. Lapzzo


    Welcome! Red is okay, but not my fav
  13. command /kill: trigger: kill player broadcast "&c&l%player% took the easy way out." When the player types /kill it will kill them and broadcast Lapzzo took the easy way out. Of course Lapzzo will be the name of the player who wrote /kill
  14. Hello, This post has not been interacted for a month, or more and you have replyed to it which is against the rules, Requesting mod lock
  15. on left click: if clicked block is cyan glazed terracotta: give golden nugget to player
  16. gamerules need to be set in other dimensions
  17. loll 100 photos of minehut. Also what lobby number
  18. Lapzzo

    /spawn and /rules

    Hello! For /spawn you need EssentialsSpawn and for /rules you need Essentials To give permission, get the plugin Luck Perms, then restart and type the command /lp group default permission set essentials.spawn /lp group default permission set essentials.rules
  19. File manager is back, and I found the errors! Heres a fixed one command /hug <player>: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cYou cannot hug air silly!" to player else: if arg-1 is player: send "&cYou must be lonely if your hugging yourself!" to player else: send "&7You hug &b%arg-1% &7With &dLove &cAww ❤." to player send "&b%{_p}% &7Hugs you with &dLove &cAww ❤." to arg-1 on chat: if message contains "<3": replace all "<3" with "&c❤&r" in message
  20. command /hug <player>: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cYou cannot hug air silly!" to player else: if arg-1 is %player%: send "&cYou must be lonely if your hugging yourself!" to player else: send "&7You hug &b%arg-1% &7With &dLove &cAww ❤." to player send "&b%{_p}% &7Hugs you with &dLove &cAww ❤." to arg-1 on chat: replace all "<3" with "&c❤&r" Sorry if this doesnt work, I cant test it because file manager is down
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