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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Hey sorry, im pretty new to head nbt, and nbt overall, but why doesnt this work? command /test: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&4TEST" to player format gui slot 0 of player with player head with nbt "{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;1694348685,-1205448775,-1416642746,-1392269805],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOWUyNWRiZTQ3NjY3ZDBjZTIzMWJhYTIyM2RlZTk1M2JiZmM5Njk2MDk3Mjc5ZDcyMzcwM2QyY2MzMzk3NjQ5ZSJ9fX0="}]}},display:{Name:'{"text":"Money Bag"}'}}" named "test"
  2. it was great while it lasted!
  3. Where do I get head Nbt from?
  4. skPizza fly hacks in party confirmed
  5. The world name has to be one word, and only have letters and numbers in the name, It cant be stuff like Hello. World] My World TheMainW[rkd MyWorld@ It can be Hello My_world TheMainWorld Myworld
  6. You mean like when you join you go into another world? If so set it as the level world in the settings, make sure you tyoe the correct world name or it will glitch the server
  7. Why is ur profile picture ur desktop 

    1. Lapzzo


      I think you should change your profile. I can see ur whole desktop..


  8. dont get it from there, get it from the addons pannel on your server dashboard
  9. When your the server owner, your server wont know, so in console type the command op <player> make sure you dont use /
  10. Grapple Hook skript Hey, I made this grapple hook skript, with a cooldown, since there wasn't any good ones online! Enjoy and credit me when using this! One with tabs: options: servername: servername #Type your server name here! grapplename: Grappling hook #Name of what the grapple hook should be called to work! cooldowntime: 5 #How long the cooldown should be on fishing: if player's held item is fishing rod named "{@grapplename}": if difference between now and {cooldown::%player%} is less than {@cooldowntime} seconds: cancel event send "&4[&c{@servername}&4] &cYou are currently on cooldown!" to player else: if "%fish state%" is "CAUGHT" or "REEL_IN" or "IN_GROUND": set {nofalldamage.grapplinghook.%player%} to true repair player's held item set {_ploc.x} to x coordinate of player set {_floc.x} to x coordinate of fishing hook set {_ang} to {_floc.x} - {_ploc.x} set {_ploc.z} to z coordinate of player set {_floc.z} to z coordinate of fishing hook set {_ang.2} to {_floc.z} - {_ploc.z} set velocity of player to new Vector {_ang}, 1, {_ang.2} set {cooldown::%player%} to now command /grapplinghook <player>: permission: op permission message: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help. usage: &c/grapplinghook <player> trigger: give arg-1 fishing rod named "{@grapplename}" send "&aYou have &lSUCCESFULLY &aGiven %Arg-1% &aa grappling hook" to player One with spaces: options: servername: servername #Type your server name here! grapplename: Grappling hook #Name of what the grapple hook should be called to work! cooldowntime: 5 #How long the cooldown should be on fishing: if player's held item is fishing rod named "{@grapplename}": if difference between now and {cooldown::%player%} is less than {@cooldowntime} seconds: cancel event send "&4[&c{@servername}&4] &cYou are currently on cooldown!" to player else: if "%fish state%" is "CAUGHT" or "REEL_IN" or "IN_GROUND": set {nofalldamage.grapplinghook.%player%} to true repair player's held item set {_ploc.x} to x coordinate of player set {_floc.x} to x coordinate of fishing hook set {_ang} to {_floc.x} - {_ploc.x} set {_ploc.z} to z coordinate of player set {_floc.z} to z coordinate of fishing hook set {_ang.2} to {_floc.z} - {_ploc.z} set velocity of player to new Vector {_ang}, 1, {_ang.2} set {cooldown::%player%} to now command /grapplinghook <player>: permission: op permission message: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help. usage: &c/grapplinghook <player> trigger: give arg-1 fishing rod named "{@grapplename}" send "&aYou have &lSUCCESFULLY &aGiven %Arg-1% &aa grappling hook" to player
  11. You dont do /say you just type say <text> in console you cant do / for any command so yeah
  12. You can upload it in the plugins folder. Go to your filemanager on minehut.com, then upload the file into plugins, then restart. When restarted it will show in /plugins. You must be op!
  13. Lapzzo

    No command?

    Like said above, you need multiverse. Once you have it, you do /mvimport <worldname> then /mvtp <worldname>
  14. Lapzzo

    Purchase Not Working

    Go the the product and try the quick-add button
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