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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. Dont use / when your doing in console. Just type op lapzzo replace lapzzo with ur minecraft name
  2. Im doing this because I dont want them to be able to execute /repair, but console to do /repair <player>
  3. Im not sure what I did, but I think I broke it. Also did u find a way to make it so u cant repair items that are full durability? Broken skript: command /repair [<player>]: permission: repair.use trigger: if arg-1 is set: open inventory of arg-1 to arg-1 set {activeGui::%arg-1's uuid%} to "inventoryGui" play sound "block.note_block.pling" to arg-1 send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to arg-1 else: open inventory of player to player set {activeGui::%player's uuid%} to "inventoryGui" play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player send "&aPlease click an item to repair it for 50 Coins!" to player on inventory click: {activeGui::%player's uuid%} = "inventoryGui" cancel event set {_dura} to max durability of clicked item set {_fix} to durability of clicked item if {_fix} < {_dura}: if {@balance} >= {@repair_cost}: remove {@repair_cost} from {@balance} repair clicked item play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player else: play sound "entity.villager.no" to player send "&cYou do not have enough!" else if {_fix} >= {_dura}: play sound "entity.villager.no" to player on inventory close: if {activeGui::%player's uuid%} is "inventoryGui": delete {activeGui::%player's uuid%} send "&cYou have canceled your purchase!" Also I made it so the player in the command (Argument-1) doesnt get opened to the executer, but to arg-1. That was my original intention, but it seemed to break it
  4. Lapzzo

    Glowing torch

    There is a setting in minecrafts setting to make torches glow. I think its called dynamic lighting. Change it to fancy
  5. Question: I can repair stuff already repaired. Any fix?
  6. Well I havent had coke since 2015. Fanta orange and sprite/7up are the best sodas for me
  7. Lapzzo

    Someone hacked my server

    I dont think this is possible, unless they know ur minehut password and email. Try do a backup
  8. Lapzzo

    Join dates

    I feel un-og here I found out about minehut at the end of 2019, but thought it was a scam, until I saw other people use it
  9. btw, my pc blocks .sk files. please can u sent a pastebin
  10. I excepted the skript to be like 20 lines xD
  11. This is a bit of a big request but here it is on /repair, it opens a gui with the players inventory, and they can click on any armour piece/sword and it repairs it. For the cost of 50 of the variable {coins::%player's uuid%}
  12. Thats unsual.. I cant download it, chrome has blocked it since it was to dangerous. thats weird
  13. Lapzzo

    I need help

    Hello! Thanks for posting on forums. Go on console on your dashboard and type pardon itsbilly_plays Remove itsbilly_plays with your Minecraft username. Dont use a / in the command, or console will not unban you.
  14. Lapzzo

    my server get bot =I

    Also /ban-ip them so they cant join on alts
  15. Lapzzo

    my server get bot =I

    Your server is not much to do with minehut. You have to treat your server as your responsibility, and you can start by doing what you said and get a antibot/antispam plugin on your server
  16. Errors? Also event-block works fine, I want it xd
  17. on leftclick: if player's is tool is golden shovel named "&6&lDrill": if event-block is bedrock: send "&cYou cant mine this! its unbreakable!" to player cancel event else: give player 1 event-block set event-block to air remove 2 from player's held item's durability try this
  18. 3 is a bad reason tbh. Its not about minhuts side, its our community. I agree with number 2 and 1, but with 1 I think we should be able to set the photo to anything
  19. On the dasboard, go to console and type op lapzzo Change lapzzo to your mc name, and make sure to not write /
  20. Yes. For java its normal, for bedrock follow this
  21. Download the file, then drag it into your plugins folder in your server dashboard.Restart your server and it should work
  22. Lapzzo

    Server age

    Thanks alot! I found out how long I really have been working on my server lol! 2 months of developing alone
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