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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. you can add plugins yourself! Upload the plugin file in the plugins folder, then restart the server
  2. set player's offhand to <item> This should work. NOTE This is not tested.
  3. Yep, I don't recommend using it, every time i go on one, i crash
  4. I thought it was like pizza hut and extra letters xD
  5. Lapzzo


    Im the the 301 post lol
  6. lol, that was interesting. It makes my name story feel dumb lol
  7. Lapzzo


    Dont worry, this will never
  8. I made this zapper skript, it works, but i want it so you cant strike players or villagers. heres what i have now on rightclick: if player's tool is blaze rod named "&6Zapper": strike lightning at the targeted entity else: if player's tool is blaze rod named "&6Zapper": if entity is a villager: cancel event send "&cYou cant strike this entity" to player else: if player's tool is blaze rod named "&6Zapper": if entity is player: cancel event send "&cYou cant strike this entity" to It doesnt work no errors
  9. every 8 seconds: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staff.only": "&aYou can now do ads!" to loop-player
  10. Op yourself in your server console using "op <name>" then go in game and type /whitelist on then /whitelist add <player> change player to the name of your friend, and you of course!
  11. I made something for you


    1. Lapzzo


      I rushed it, but if you want better lighting and stuff, reply saying u want a slight remake

    2. pnguin
  12. on rightclick: if clicked block is "grass block": teleport player to -286, 239, 61 in world "world"
  13. I also need some coords and the world they should be teleported to. Also skript?
  14. Do you want this skripted? if so rightclick or left click
  15. Hey, please don't respond to posts that haven't been interacted in for a month. This is considered necroposting and is highly against minehut rules. Requesting mod lock
  16. I would say a sentence to start, but I know very little about anime lol
  17. options: nopermission: &cInsufficient permission. line: &8&m---&r command /setwarp [<text>]: permission: command.setwarp permission message: {@nopermission} trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "{@line} &6SetWarp {@line}" message "&6/setwarp &7<warp>" if arg 1 is set: if {serverinfo::warps::*} contains "%arg 1%": message "&6Warps &8» &7That warp already exists" stop add "%arg 1%" to {serverinfo::warps::*} set {serverinfo::warplocations::%arg 1%} to location of player message "&6Warps &8» &7You added warp &6%arg 1% &7with location &7&o%location of player%" command /delwarp [<text>]: permission: command.delwarp permission message: {@nopermission} trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "{@line} &6DelWarp {@line}" message "&6/delwarp &7<warp>" if arg 1 is set: if {serverinfo::warps::*} does not contain "%arg 1%": message "&6Warps &8» &7That warp does not exist" stop remove "%arg 1%" from {serverinfo::warps::*} delete {serverinfo::warplocations::%arg 1%} message "&6Warps &8» &7You deleted warp &6%arg 1%" command /warp [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "{@line} &6Warps {@line}" if {serverinfo::warps::*} is not set: message "&6Warps &8» &7There are not warps yet" stop loop {serverinfo::warps::*}: message "&7&l• &e%loop-value%" if arg 1 is set: if {serverinfo::warps::*} does not contain "%arg 1%": message "&6Warps &8» &7That warp does not exist" stop teleport player to {serverinfo::warplocations::%arg 1%} message "&6Warps &8» &7Warping to &6%arg 1%"
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