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  1. I found out about the Minehut API. I want to make my website and Discord bot be able to send commands to my server. It says sending a command to the Minehut API requires authorization. What do I use to authorize?
  2. How do I replace the forearm item of the player?
  3. Thank you I totally missed that part! lol
  4. I am making a server with chat events. Maybe "Say "astronaut" for an astronaut helmet!" type thing. That's exactly what I'm trying to do, but it won't work. The Skript is WIP so don't mind the random part at the beginning lol But this won't work. Anyone help? every 3 minutes: set {_num} to random integer between 1 and 1 if {_num} is equal to 1: broadcast "&cEvent&7: &bType 'astronaut' for a free astronaut helmet item! Expires in 25 seconds!" set {_astronaut} to "a" wait 25 seconds delete {_astronaut} on chat: if message is equal to "astronaut": if {_astronaut} is equal to "a": set {%player's uuid%astronaut} to "astronaut" send "&bHooray! Do /equip astronaut to equip!"
  5. im using skript to execute console commands and this is appearing
  6. why are there impostors of me

    1. Here4YouTsb6


      No idea. I also just noticed that

    2. DraykerMaykerr


      yeah i think the toxic person BussBoy who advertised my server as free op (not true) was trying to get the people to think my server is a scam and also hes trying to scare me thinking im being hacked

    3. Here4YouTsb6


      yea probably is

  7. DraykerMaykerr


    A person named BussBoy has been advertising my server for free op, staff hiring, and has impersonated me on the forums. Can someone send in the link for player reports? Thank you.
  8. Give up BussBoy.. It is so obvious.

  9. DraykerMaykerr


    Gamerules like doMobSpawning and mobGriefing work, but when I try to set sendCommandFeedback to false, it does not say anything and does not work! Help!
  10. This man joined my server, and repeatedly asked me to give them admin or build privileges. He proceeded to flood the chat with "YES F**CKER" Screenshot is available here. Please remove this man.
  11. on world change: clear player's inventory loop {%player's uuid%%player's world%userinv::*}: add loop-value-1 to player every 5 ticks: loop all players: loop 54 times: if {%loop-player's uuid%%loop-player's world%userinv::*} does not contain slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of inventory of loop-player: add slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of inventory of loop-player to {%loop-player's uuid%%loop-player's world%userinv::*} loop {%loop-player's uuid%%loop-player's world%userinv::*}: set {%loop-player's uuid%lv} to loop-value-2 if loop-player's inventory does not contain {%loop-player's uuid%lv}: add 1 to {%loop-player's uuid%num_} remove {%loop-player's uuid%lv} from {%loop-player's uuid%%loop-player's world%userinv::*} command /clearinvworld [<text>]: trigger: clear {%player's uuid%%arg 1%userinv::*} send "&aSuccessfully cleared the inventory for the world %arg 1%."
  12. yo can someone help with this? heres what i have so far on join: loop 36 times: set {%player's world%inventory::%uuid of player%::%loop-number - 1%} to slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of inventory of player on world change: set {%uuid of player%prevworld} to {%uuid of player%world} set {%uuid of player%world} to player's world if {%uuid of player%world} is not equal to {%uuid of player%prevworld}: loop 36 times: set {%player's world%inventory::%uuid of player%::%loop-number - 1%} to slot "%loop-number - 1%" parsed as an integer of inventory of player clear inventory of player loop {%player's world%inventory::%uuid of player%::*}: set slot {_num} of player's inventory to loop-value add 1 to {_num}
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