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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. How do I make a world with custom layers? I want too make these the layers: 2 layers of bedrock 10 layers of stone 5 layers of dirt 20 layers of sand 50 layers of water Is this possible with multiverse and CleanroomGenerator?
  2. --- THORNS --- JOIN TODAY! Thorns.minehut.gg GENS FARMING MINES FUN! Alternatively, join minehut.com, then type /join thorns ONCE JOINED DO /START TO START! LOOKING FOWARD TO SEEING YOU ON!
  3. Lapzzo

    Lapzzo 4k

    also its too big to set as my signature
  4. Lapzzo

    Lapzzo 4k

    that looks epic
  5. You know my one, I was wondering if you could remove the bottom text and send it too me if thats fine. I dont want a background tho. Its okay if you cant
  6. This must be the most fastest and effecient skript I have ever seen. Thanks for posting this it will be very helpful in my upcoming servers
  7. lol why is this a popular post o_o
  8. I cant join mh, is something happening
  9. You need the plugin tab reborn vault EssentialsChat OR luckpermschat *You can also skript it, but its harder then downloading 3 plugins*
  10. Best skript 10/10 will use for my server
  11. Lapzzo

    Blender Render

    Since I felt bad, and you had a cool skin here
  12. command /dupe <number> aliases: /d trigger: loop %arg-1% times: set {dupe::%player's uuid%} to player's held item give player 1 of {dupe::%player's uuid%} to player Like this?
  13. Lapzzo

    Blender Render

    Extra real just for u
  14. Hello, welcome! Tarna copy and paste the name
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