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BennyDoesStuff last won the day on November 11 2022

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About BennyDoesStuff

  • Birthday July 24

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Community Answers

  1. https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/ More Mob Heads should be added to plugins, it would help tons.

    Yes or No?


  2. Minehut Crates: Available Now! Open Crate -> Get cool cosmetics Unlock your first cosmetic today by clicking the link below. https://bit.ly/3tTYsMw
  3. Up to 85% off plans, ranks, and more! Get excited for the upcoming holidays with a new sale on EVERYTHING. This includes 75% off monthly server plans, as well as up to 85% off server slots, cosmetics, icons, cosmetics, and ranks! Take advantage of this sale now before it disappears in 2 weeks. We also have a limited time animated pet. Be the proud owner of the first animated cometic on Minehut! https://bit.ly/3VbL3uT
  4. MAID OUTFITS, PETS, AND EMOJIS! Emojis you can use in the lobby chat? Your own personal pet to keep you company? A maid outfit to go alongside your cat ears? Today's cometic drop is FULL of content! Support for emojis in /ad and private DMs will be coming soon. Click the link below to unlock the basic emoji pack to start using all of these emojis in-game for free! https://bit.ly/3Tp9vr5
  5. LAST Autumn Cosmetics Drop! It's November 1st so you know what that means: CHRISTMAS IS HERE! Pick up our last set of autumn cosmetics before they disappear for the year. And if you collect all the different pieces, you will unlock the exclusive Fall Bringer sword for free. LET IT SNOW - LET IT SNOW - LET IT SNOW https://bit.ly/3SezVeV <- click here to make christmas disappear
  6. The last set of Halloween cosmetics are now live! Check them out and celebrate Halloween with 1 week left before the big holiday. Click here: https://bit.ly/3T7Je1e
  7. MINEHUT HALLOWEEN SALE LIMITED TIME OFFER: 75% off all monthly server plans Been eyeing a plan you like? This is now the time to snag it and enjoy the upgrade during arguably the 2nd best holiday of the year! Join us as we celebrate Minehut’s third annual spooktacular and don’t forget to check out our Halloween cosmetics collection and new spooky lobby. https://minehut.com/shop/plans
  8. Time to play Spooktacular. It's once again time to celebrate the spOOooOOky season in the Minehut Lobby! Try your luck at Kat’s Scavenger Haunt or Wendell & Wild’s Dream Fair Parkour Course and win some truly Spooktacular prizes. https://go.minehut.com/spooktacular2022 Enjoy these new frights and delights from now until November 1st! And while you're in the lobby, snag yourself some limited edition cat ears and spooky Halloween cosmetics, now available on the store: https://bit.ly/3T7Je1e
  9. Fall Cosmetics Expanding on our new cosmetic system, today we've launched the first set of our fall collection, meant to encapsulate the major themes of the season: leaves and pumpkin spice! If you click on the NPC located in each lobby, you'll be able to purchase any of the following, which are now useable across all free servers: Autumn Sword $0.50 Autumn Shiled $0.50 Latte-kun $1.50 Full Autumn Set $2.50 $2.00 (20% off!) While your at it, take this last chance to get something from our Beta Collection: October 17th is the final day to snag one! Gotta make room for some new collections... Link to Fall Collection: https://bit.ly/3CNPeGZ Link to Beta Collection: https://bit.ly/3xqVIrY Feedback (Discord): https://discord.com/channels/239599059415859200/1027705514274062339/1027705514274062339 Or provide feedback in the replies below!
  10. Minehut Cosmetics Beta This week, we've added support for cosmetics on Minehut, and launched our beta "Explorer's Set" to celebrate! If you click on the NPC located in each lobby, you'll be able to get a free particle effect and peruse any of the other items below: Explorer's Spyglass $0.50 Explorer's Pickaxe $0.50 Explorer's Sword $0.50 Explorer's Hat $1.00 Compie-Chan $1.50 Full Explorer's Set Used to be $4.00, but now $3.00 (25% off!) For now, these will simply show up in the lobby, but soon will appear across all free servers. So get one while they last and start stylin' on 'em Link to Store: https://bit.ly/3xqVIrY Feedback (Discord): https://discord.com/channels/239599059415859200/1021452023247409263 Or provide feedback in the replies below!
  11. Ya own warzone? 

    If yes r u gonna sue me for being the most deaths for the 20th time and not payingq



    1. Grianfan


      Wait what does that do

    2. Grianfan


      How do you rank up from member rank?🤔

    3. Eltschu


      Buy lol



  13. MINEHUT'S 2021 HOLIDAY SALE What time is it? No, it's not time for the Christmas sale, it's time for MINEHUT'S 2021 HOLIDAY SALE! Buy yourself a new rank, some new items from our market, get some more slots for the servers you've been dying to make but never found the time to, upgrade your server for the players you don't have, it's all now possible with 75% off everything! But don't just stop there, get some for your friends as well! The people you met from Minehut, your parents who never even heard of the server, your friends from school that you only talk to during class, buy them all Minehut items as well! There's no time like the present , so go get yourself some ranks and make us some money! Please I'm begging you I want money please please buy something right now hurry https://minehut.com/holidaysale
  14. Hey there! I can completely understand your frustration for the concerns you mentioned in this post. However, I'd like to provide a few clarifications so you can better understand why things are the way they currently are. Has Minehut ever listened to ME or any other community member(s)? We do listen to our community members! As a result of the size of the server and community, it's going to be impossible for us to go through every concern our players have but we try our best to make sure we do this in an organized manner. We have 2 locations players are able to go to voice their opinions, our GitHub for suggesting new features (click here) as well as our Meta Discord server for discussions and quick comments (click here). If you have any issues with how we run or handle something, I would recommend you go to one of those places so we can more easily see your concerns and be able to address them. Are gen servers really just the same? I can agree, having a ton of servers with the same game modes can get repetitive! But one thing we focus on with Minehut is allowing players to have the freedom to create the type of server and community they would like to make. Gens (and life steal as well) just happens to be the most popular modes that people are creating at the moment. We're trying our best to make the possibilities endless so you can make whatever server you want to see, especially with our recent releases of custom plugins, modpacks, server networks, and more. I'm not too sure what you would like us to do to combat this, we're not in the position to lean in any direction when it comes to what's popular at the moment. We are just about to wrap up a hackathon event today (click here for info) where we rewarded players who created some of the most creative and custom servers we can find, and we did this in hopes to increase diversity on our network and grow other game modes in the community. If you think there's more we could (or should) do in this aspect, feel free to join our Meta Discord server (click here) and I would be glad to have a more in-depth conversation with you. Are Lifesteals the same? One of the most recent game modes that grew in popularity is life steal, and it grew by a longshot. At the time of writing this post, this mode has grown to become the most sold item on the Minehut market ever. We currently have 2 life steal products on the market, and both are neck to neck by being in first and second place in top selling at the moment. Trends are going to come and go and eventually so will life steal, but for now we're riding the waves as they come by. This was something that grew as a result of YouTuber support, players saw their favorite YouTubers playing this game and they wanted to try playing and creating it for themselves as well. This actually becomes a benefit of using Minehut, you're not forced to play the same games month after month. As trends come and go, so will the server selection which will grow and adapt based on what players are interested in and want to spend their time on. If you think there are other modes that the community might enjoy, try making a server for yourself and see if there's interest for it! I will always be open to adding any modes that players might want to play on the Minehut market. One of my job responsibilities at the moment is being the main manager when it comes to onboarding creators, approving new content, as well as any other relations and duties that comes with running a marketplace. If you would like to learn more on how you can get involved in this, feel free to message me on Discord and I would love to talk. Does the Minehut filter routinely get in the way? You might've noticed an issue recently where you're receiving an above average number of false positives in our chat filter detection system. This is because we just recently updated and moved to a new service for our chat filter. Over the past few weeks, our focus has been training and adjusting the filter to make it more accurate and less intrusive on your conversations. It's a process that will take some time, and as more time past, the most the filter learns and hopefully won't get in your way as much. If you notice any specific terms getting blocked by the filter that shouldn't, feel free to let us know what is getting blocked in our Meta Discord server (click here) and we'll try our best to resolve any issues you run into. I hope this clarification resolved any concerns or questions you addressed in your post. I'm not going to lock this as I respect your ability to voice your opinions, but please note that this is not the correct place to report this. As mentioned above, if you would like to get more involved in the community and help us shape the future of the network, you can post suggestions on our GitHub (click here) or by having a discussion and conversation about any concerns in our Meta Discord server (click here). I hope you have a great day and a good rest of your weekend!
  15. What versions can you use on Minehut? Minehut supports a large variety of server types from Spigot, to Paper, to even the most popular proxy implementations such as Velocity! It's as easy as selecting the version you would like to use from your Minehut panel and we will automatically update it the next time you restart your server. When connecting your server using a proxy, there can be limitations depending on the type of software you choose to use. Because of that, we've decided to create a quick guide to explain what supported versions exist on each proxy. Supported Minecraft Proxies: Waterfall (fork of Bungeecord) Velocity If you're interested in using Bungeecord, you can choose to use Waterfall as your proxy type. It's an edited version of Bungeecord that supports all the same plugins and works identically. Supported Versions: All proxies: It is not possible to use vanilla Minecraft, you would need to use a different server type that's compatible with a proxy software. We don't currently support Vanillacord (edit of vanilla compatible on proxies) but we might add support in the future. Velocity: If you use Fabric with Velocity, all servers on the proxy must be 1.13+. This is because Fabric requires modern authentication, which isn't supported on versions released before 1.13. You must also use Paper. If you aren't using Fabric, you can use the legacy authentication to use all versions of Spigot or Paper 1.8.8+. Waterfall (Bungeecord): Doesn't support Fabric. Supports all versions of Spigot and Paper 1.8.8+. We'll continue to maintain and update this post as we support more versions and types.
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