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Rule Updates

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Effective today, we are enforcing updated rules on Minehut.



  • Minehut is now entirely SFW and kid friendly.
  • You must have at least some English characters in your Discord handle to make it easy for staff to tag you.


But Why?!

Minehut has always been sorta kid friendly with an exception for Discord. This update brings the entire community under the same rules and will help us root out more toxicity. We also think that this will help foster a more welcoming environment and help people feel more comfortable being part of our awesome community.

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14 minutes ago, Trent said:

Effective today, we are enforcing updated rules on Minehut.



  • Minehut is now entirely SFW and kid friendly.
  • You must have at least some English characters in your Discord handle to make it easy for staff to tag you.


But Why?!

Minehut has always been sorta kid friendly with an exception for Discord. This update brings the entire community under the same rules and will help us root out more toxicity. We also think that this will help foster a more welcoming environment and help people feel more comfortable being part of our awesome community.

Yeah I feel like there's gonna be a lot more punishments given out, but It'll honestly help the toxicity problem 👍 

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You have to be at least 13 to use Minehut and discord? Anyone that can’t handle a swear word every now and then shouldn’t be on the internet. 

Why are you allowed boosters to bypass this Just because they have their own channel? Surely you want that to be kid friendly too? 

@Wedrail couldn’t have put it better. 

Edited by Ceppy
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10 hours ago, Trent said:

Minehut has always been sorta kid friendly with an exception for Discord.

Sorry but no. Not accepting that one you just said.

There was a time on minehut (Around July 2016, one or two months before the closing of minehut that lasted roughly 1 month) in which cursing was allowed. You could literally swear anything you wanted (you couldn't do flaming tho, that would be the supreme extreme level of cursing combined with total disrespect and chaos which was punishable, but essentially it didn't matter cuz for one to reach that point it would require what 10 mins of spamming?).

Also Ill remind you that minehut 2016 summer before closing was everything but friendly. Swearing was allowed + Drama was literally everywhere on the forums. Toxicity was the norm.

I think the following screenshot will suffice.


Not saying I am against the rules changes (I actually agree with the rules change) but atleast do not say generalized things that are not correct.

PS: Just in case you go saying it was on warzone and thus it doesn't count:


Everyone recognizes the 2016 summer lobby with the starbucks.


Edited by Gaminger
Shortened the quote to the important part of it.
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Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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On 3/11/2020 at 6:19 PM, FadelessBanjo said:

I suggest if you have anything against the (new) rules please contact Trent 😉

Contacting Trent is a waste because he'll only disagree with one reason: bring ingame rules to Discord. 😕

modergator since nov 29


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21 hours ago, Ceppy said:

You have to be at least 13 to use Minehut and discord? Anyone that can’t handle a swear word every now and then shouldn’t be on the internet. 

Why are you allowed boosters to bypass this Just because they have their own channel? Surely you want that to be kid friendly too? 

@Wedrail couldn’t have put it better. 

They can't seem to provide any better reasons than those load of bs with being 'kid-friendly.' The Boosters thing is bothersome (although some of us were excited, but it's unfair and completely hypocritical.) I guess if we pay, we get to swear. -.- The only thing that seems to be the root for all this is that they want it to be identical to ingame, which is the worst place infested with crap children who can't control themselves. If only they'd looked at the logic that Discord is only for 13+ and how it's not their job to parent them.

(Not part of the response to Ceppy > ) Their priorities is messed up too. They can't handle simple, harmless swearing, but they're cool with highly suspicious people on Discord, questionable images (ask tank), and more problems.

modergator since nov 29


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On 3/12/2020 at 7:18 AM, Ceppy said:

You have to be at least 13 to use Minehut and discord? Anyone that can’t handle a swear word every now and then shouldn’t be on the internet. 

Why are you allowed boosters to bypass this Just because they have their own channel? Surely you want that to be kid friendly too? 

@Wedrail couldn’t have put it better. 

You realise kids will lie about their age, Parents will raise hell with Minehut if their kid gets exposed to swearing. Minehut doesn't wanna be sued by some helicopter karens, there were probably some parents complaining about all the swearing. This is more to protect Minehut and SLG from Karens wanting to protect their precious timmy

Default: Feb 6 2018

VIP: April 14 2019

Jr. Mod: September 12 2020

Mod: Jan 11 2021


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To be honest minehut changes to rules were always controversial. Name one rule change that was not controversial I dare you lol (Rule implementation for the first time in 2015 doesnt count obviously lol)

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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12 hours ago, Gaminger said:

To be honest minehut changes to rules were always controversial. Name one rule change that was not controversial I dare you lol (Rule implementation for the first time in 2015 doesnt count obviously lol)

Nickname rule, advert rule, not allowed to talk about drugs or alcohol etc

IGN: PandaChan

Discord: PundaChen

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PundaChen 


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6 hours ago, killergotrekt said:

worst rule update, instead of making this a kindergarten, make a rule banning non-13 year olds on this server

You've literally just said random BS.   

To Ceppy and Xur, I left the Discord because A) People were being needlessly toxic, and B) Some Mods took it upon themselves to punish me, and not the ones actually causing problems.

Honestly, the only thing that will truly solve the issue with toxicity, is to retrain Moderators, and remove all the Toxic components.   They can have their "servers", but they do not need to be on Discord, Forums etc spreading their toxicity and BS.

Personally, I am only posting because I randomly opened the browser this is set to open in on accident, and got the alert.

That said, if they truly wanted to address the toxicity, they'd remove the people who were actually toxic, not add a censorship.  Especially when a lot of the toxicity, comes from people clearly over 18, and people who harass, stalk and even threaten to take down fellow Minehutter servers.

So, unless that's addressed itself, this feels more like a bandaid on a shotgun wound.

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21 hours ago, Emily said:

Nickname rule, advert rule, not allowed to talk about drugs or alcohol etc

Shhh Emily

Fine ok sure I guess there were some that were fine. But you bet there were some that were talked for months

Edited by Gaminger

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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22 hours ago, Dramomo said:

You've literally just said random BS.   

To Ceppy and Xur, I left the Discord because A) People were being needlessly toxic, and B) Some Mods took it upon themselves to punish me, and not the ones actually causing problems.

Honestly, the only thing that will truly solve the issue with toxicity, is to retrain Moderators, and remove all the Toxic components.   They can have their "servers", but they do not need to be on Discord, Forums etc spreading their toxicity and BS.

Personally, I am only posting because I randomly opened the browser this is set to open in on accident, and got the alert.

That said, if they truly wanted to address the toxicity, they'd remove the people who were actually toxic, not add a censorship.  Especially when a lot of the toxicity, comes from people clearly over 18, and people who harass, stalk and even threaten to take down fellow Minehutter servers.

So, unless that's addressed itself, this feels more like a bandaid on a shotgun wound.

I believe retraining them would be a great first step as well as reconsidering their rules. Right now, swearing is the only important "I must deal with this or else I die" rule while there are still several other toxic components like you've mentioned being sidelined. It feels like they're only going after the people who like to express themselves (in this case, swearing [without the intent to harm]) and ignoring the real problem players.

It does feel like a bandaid on a shotgun wound.

modergator since nov 29


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One of the biggest problems in this world is finding solutions without thinking about the problem.

Whats the problem? Toxicity.

Now that we have found the problem, we have to analyse: How can toxicity be adressed?

For we to find the answer, first we must know the root of the problem, so we know were to change.
For me (idk if it is, I havent been on minehut the server) the problem is on the lobby and minehut player servers. Toxicity starts there and spreads out to the rest of the minehut's universe.
So thats from were we have to start: The lobby and minehut player servers. What can be done to prevent toxicity?

- Enforcing rules such as no swearing, flamming, etc (has been done)
- Having more active staff that take their time explaining the community why the rules are the way they are and staff members that show genuine interest in the well being of the player. If players feel that the staff don't really care about the server they wont respect them as much.
- Muting the lobby for 1 week and then doing an event to reward the players for their choice in playing on minehut. Muting the lobby will stop for some time the toxicity and starting right out with an event will focus the players into having fun not toxicity. After the lobby is unmuted staff have to make sure no swearing is allowed so that players understand they can not swear.
- Actual put rules on player servers. I mean I get it minehut wants players to have almost 100% freedom when it comes to their server but all you need is 10 friends doing a good server and getting your community to grief other servers to start a war on minehut (this has been done in the past, Skyblocksminers).

Some of the suggestions may seem random but they work, specially staff showing that they care about players.

Edited by Gaminger

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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@Xur and Gaminger : 

Precisely.  What needs to be done, is instead of just saying, here's some rules, follow them, they need to be proactive.

Furthermore, a lot of the toxicity doesn't come from 13 year olds or anyone younger, it comes from people over the age of 16, sometimes 18 and 21.   

If Moderators are retrained and proactive, it shouldn't take long to actually get rid of Toxicity, or uphold the rules.

Especially when a lot of those who break said rules, would likely quit.    Muting the Lobby for a week seems too lenient.  A month seems more fitting, but they can perhaps add another rank to the system.

One that is earned throughout the weeks by those who A) Follow the rules and B) are generally friendly.     Following this, then they can mute the lobby, which would mean only those of that rank and above could speak.   Since "bots" can't meet the criteria of attaining the rank easily(a few days of processing), that would nullify the generalized bot spam, since most bot spam is done by an alternate program anyways, with the user being clueless.

So, basically, muting the Lobby to all those "guests" with a message to earn the rights to speak in lobby, go to (link) or whatever they want.

This would also help moderators keep track of who is going in and out of the process, as well as potentially cleaning the negativity out.


This would more likely be called a filtering process.   I assume there's a whisper function in lobby that can be utilized.

I mean, I am not saying all moderators and above should be retrained, there are some good ones, but they can not be on at all times, and those who can, do not act like moderators in my personal view and opinion.

Minehut is teamed with Super League, both are practically a brand and company at this point.  Moderators are representatives of said brand and company, as well as the community itself.

Hopefully, this is taken properly and not misunderstood.

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1 hour ago, Dramomo said:

@Xur and Gaminger : 

Precisely.  What needs to be done, is instead of just saying, here's some rules, follow them, they need to be proactive.

Furthermore, a lot of the toxicity doesn't come from 13 year olds or anyone younger, it comes from people over the age of 16, sometimes 18 and 21.   

If Moderators are retrained and proactive, it shouldn't take long to actually get rid of Toxicity, or uphold the rules.

Especially when a lot of those who break said rules, would likely quit.    Muting the Lobby for a week seems too lenient.  A month seems more fitting, but they can perhaps add another rank to the system.

One that is earned throughout the weeks by those who A) Follow the rules and B) are generally friendly.     Following this, then they can mute the lobby, which would mean only those of that rank and above could speak.   Since "bots" can't meet the criteria of attaining the rank easily(a few days of processing), that would nullify the generalized bot spam, since most bot spam is done by an alternate program anyways, with the user being clueless.

So, basically, muting the Lobby to all those "guests" with a message to earn the rights to speak in lobby, go to (link) or whatever they want.

This would also help moderators keep track of who is going in and out of the process, as well as potentially cleaning the negativity out.


This would more likely be called a filtering process.   I assume there's a whisper function in lobby that can be utilized.

I mean, I am not saying all moderators and above should be retrained, there are some good ones, but they can not be on at all times, and those who can, do not act like moderators in my personal view and opinion.

Minehut is teamed with Super League, both are practically a brand and company at this point.  Moderators are representatives of said brand and company, as well as the community itself.

Hopefully, this is taken properly and not misunderstood.

The "perm to speak" rank idea, on a psychology level, is a great idea. It condictions the people to "act accordingly" to "get a reward". Most likely better than my 1 week mute idea. However it needs to be well executed.

Something like going to a link and wait 1 week to get permission to talk would be interesting. It would specially be interesting if everyone aside from staff started with no permissions to talk. It would make the lobbies become quiet for 1 week. After the week some people would be able to talk, and over time more and more people would be able to talk.

Indeed staff members need to be proactive, specially after the people are granted the permission to talk. They have to make sure rules are followed, otherwise things will go back to were they are now.

Players that broke the rules would get their permission revoked for some time, after which they could start the 1 week process again and eventually be able to talk after 1 week.

I also want to use this opportunity to address a possible issue. I haven't been on minehut (the server) in like months so I'm not sure if it is possible anymore but in my time people could message people that were on the lobby. If that is possible then there is ambiguity in the rules. One could curse from his player server to a player on the lobby and it could be seen as breaking a rule and not breaking a rule at the same time.

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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One could curse from his player server to a player on the lobby and it could be seen as breaking a rule and not breaking a rule at the same time.

We have a chat filter that automatically censors out any swears words, and that's going to be implemented in /msg as well. We haven't allowed swearing in the lobbies or /msg for a while now and we've had a chat filter in place for just as long.



The "perm to speak" rank idea, on a psychology level, is a great idea.

You would also need to consider the reason why people use Minehut over other server hosts. One of the reasons is because of how easy it is to communicate and advertise to other players to gain players. This is what makes Minehut extremely unique and is a huge reason to use us over competitor hosts. Making it more difficult to chat and advertise your server will make it harder for players to gain a community and lowers their incentive to use us over other hosts. 



Players that broke the rules would get their permission revoked for some time

Isn't this exactly what a mute is? If someone breaks the rules, they're usually warned and then muted for a certain amount of time. If they continue to break the rules after their mute expired, the length of their mute is increased if they continue to break the rules. The more severe the punishment is, the longer they are banned from using /msg or from talking in the lobbies.



Actual put rules on player servers.

  1. We do currently have rules that we enforce on player servers, though they're quite lenient and limited. The main rules being no reasons about bad topics (like the holocaust, etc), and no griefing other servers.
  2. This comes back to my point from above. Minehut doesn't have the full customization and there are some things that aren't possible on Minehut, and controlling the servers even more with rules would limit the control owners have over their server and would further reduce the customization and freedom people have on their player servers. We would lose customers and less people would be interested in using Minehut if we start to enforce rules such as no swearing on player servers.
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