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Everything posted by TacticalModz

  1. Sort of cheats but they are called plugins on servers. Go to your control panel (via https://minehut.com/panel/minecraft) make sure the server is online and running. Click Plugins > and type in the search box Essentials and install the plugin essentials once that is installed. Go back to Home click Stop and then click Yes to confirm to shutdown the server. And then click Start, The server will start up and will put the plugins onto your server. If you want to learn how to OP your self go learn that here: https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015767354-How-do-I-OP-myself- If you wish to learn more, Go here: https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001333733-Minehut or visit the minehut youtube channel for amazing tutorials! https://www.youtube.com/minehut
  2. -1 Why? The plugin has not been updated in 7 years and the plugin will not work on 1.14
  3. If the plugins are broken you can report the plugin on the forums and they will update the plugin and then it will work. AdvancedDropManager requires PhoenixAPI (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/phoenix-api.69554/) to work. +1
  4. Everyone is weird in their own way.
  5. No need to be salty bro.
  6. Rude but whatever kiddo
  7. The only way to download the world is via /dl world <world name> if it isn't working be sure to do /worlds and make sure the you typed the world name correctly or like choose a world name to download.
  8. Better than the other plugin. +1
  9. Nothing in life can be perfect. There is always something that has to go wrong.
  10. Before you go commenting please read my post and before you go start drama. So minehut added wonderful plugins for players to use but they can't be used.. Why? I will tell you why! There is 2 plugins that are entirely useless, The first one is DiscordSRV-Staff-Chat. So i went ahead and setup everything as normal with the other plugin called DiscordSRV and so i went to the spigot page (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discordsrv-staff-chat.44245/) to find the command on what it was and its /staffchat but you just get this message: and so you try to look up the permission or just report this on the forums which I've seen a couple of times but yet no one knows why this doesn't work. (but i do) This isn't the player server issue, This is minehut overwriting the command denying you to use the plugin the server installed. Minehut has their own staff chat system for their staff to use privately talking about weird things somewhat about robots or something but yet this plugin is entirely useless and cannot be used. even if you uninstall the plugin you will still get the same message as the photo is showing above. The second plugin is Parties You found a cool plugin which minehut has to offer to you but yet won't work so whatever. Minehut also has another command overwriting this. Their own party system, Whenever you type /party and you just get this random message out of no where! Minehut hasn't even enabled the party system over 2 years since 2017 and yet its still disabled from this day on but hopefully it will be enabled but please make it so we're able to use the plugin and not just overwrite plugin commands. This is my complain about minehut, Why overwrite server plugins? That is my main question! ~TacticalModz PS. Have a wonderful day random person reading this ️
  11. Plugins are free on minehut. Most of them are paid plugins but you can freely install them and have fun! Install Essentials and then you can punish such as /ban /kick /mute /tempban /banip /unban. Don't like using Essentials punishments? Go install AdvancedBan, Full customization!
  12. PermissionsEx can create ranks in separate worlds and permissions. One of my fav plugins of all
  13. Minecraft Be a great singer and become insanely popular world wide or become fit and stick on your diet to loose weight
  14. i don't eat vegetables _______ (im late xd)
  15. Damn that high ping. I get around 90-80ms from minehut
  16. This should be in off topic. Not servers Not saying that in a bad way but remember to use the category's correctly next time.
  17. TacticalModz

    Vault help

    Oh that. Vault isn't the problem. Its one of the plugins you installed which gives players diamonds. I don't know the name of it but go the config.yml and you can config the plugin there
  18. TacticalModz

    Vault help

    more information please? Kinda confused on what you're saying
  19. Reset the world? If not i would just reset the server. Anyways, thats all i got.
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