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Everything posted by TacticalModz

  1. TacticalModz

    Server Admin

    They must be opped to use command blocks.
  2. And also block versions with the plugin ProtocolSupportStuff. You have to go through file manager to edit it though
  3. TacticalModz

    Server Admin

    Here is how to OP your self, You have access to every command such as essential commands. Minehut Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3pD8Ghxh7nAhpnhkClCuHg/videos
  4. No near close reaching Benny's rep at all..
  5. install Essentials. Here is the list with every single permission for essentials. These 2l inks may help 1. http://wiki.mc-ess.net/doc/permissions 2. https://essinfo.xeya.me/index.php?page=permissions TPA Permissions: > essentials.tpa > essentials.tpahere > essentials.tpaccept > essentials.tpacancel > essentials.tpdeny
  6. Can you provide a link to the plugin? Thanks! ~TacticalModz
  7. -1 The plugin looks very cool but it doesn't support 1.14 and has not been updated over a year
  8. Most of them don't support 1.14
  9. They have a discord server and they have docs there. https://discord.gg/kNHmqYH
  10. -1 Has not been updated in 4 years and does not support 1.14
  11. # Inferium Lite Core # Made entirely by Infin :) # Join our official discord: https://discord.gg/ApKsBPp # (!) SCRIPT WAS NOT TESTED, PLEASE REPORT BUGS WITH SCREENSHOTS IN THE COMMENTS (!) on script load: message "&c&lInferium Core [Lite] &8&l» &aLoaded! &eDeveloper: &4Infiniticy" to the console on join: set join message to "&7[&a+&7] &7%player%" On quit: set leave message to "&7[&c-&7] &7%player%" # Change the prefix to whatever you'd like. Options: prefix2: &cWWW.Website.com prefix3: &bYOUR-DISCORD-HERE prefix4: &cHelp prefix5: &c&lReport >> cooldown: 5 seconds #_____________________________________# command /Website: trigger: message "" message "&bTo access our website head to: &c&{@prefix2}" message "" #_____________________________________# command /Discord: trigger: message "" message "{@prefix3}" message "" #_____________________________________# command /Help: trigger: message "&c&m------------{@prefix4}&c&m------------ message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m - CHANGE ME" message "&c&m------------{@prefix4}&c&m------------ #_____________________________________ # # Report # # Section # #_____________________________________ # command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if {_waited%%} is less than {@cooldown}: message "&c(!) &c{@cooldown} is the cooldown, you can this command again in: {_waited}%%" stop if arg 1 is not set: message "{@prefix5}: &a/report <player> <reason>" stop if arg 2 is not set: message "{@prefix5}: &a/report <player> <reason>" stop if arg 2 is set: wait 3 ticks send "&aThank you for your report, Staff will look into it!" loop all players: loop-player has permission "Report.see" send "&4&lREPORT &c%sender% &bHas reported &c%arg 1% &bFor&7: &e%arg 2%" to loop-player im not gonna post the no-swear section because it has swear words there and racial slurs too. Anyways, I will be full honest you on what i think about your script. The way you said "full report system" i thought of like many features came with it but no it was just the old boring report system which just sends reports to online staff and does not store anywhere but it does have a cooldown but i expected more than just this. Also here is my advice before you actually post a script to the community for them to use. First of all, Always test your script before you put it on the forums & also test the script and find any bugs and if there isn't go post it on the forums. So i just tested your script because you said you didn't test it well.. there is 17 errors. Like holy crap tons of bloody tabs bro. I am not impressed with your script at all i literally hate it. No hard feelings bro, This is just me being honest with you but i hope you take my advice into consideration. ~TacticalModz
  12. Should be in off topic.
  13. First of all, Here is my advice before you suggest a plugin. Check the plugin date if its updated very recently and supports 1.14 Sadly enough this plugin will not get added because it does not support 1.14 and has not been updated in 4 years.
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