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Everything posted by Gaminger

  1. Why do you guys want reactions? You literally gain nothing out of it xD
  2. AND I just made another mistake on my 3rd edit... Screw this
  3. - "You're not "technically" legend of drama." Not now obviously lol. What I do these days isn't remotely comparable to what I did in the past xD - "You just make drama for fun but its kinda cringey" The reason why you guys find it cringy its because of how this forums evolved. Most of the posts are just little games or staff related. It almost feels like the staff are some kind of special beings that everyone adores. Not saying "screw staff members!": They are doing their work well, but idk xD Minehut forums 2017 was way funnier than it is now. It feels like people here think trolling should be erradicated because it is pure evil or smth. AGAIN not saying that people actually think trolling should be erradicated lol - "i don't like getting involved into drama." WHAT. Thats the best part of minehut! (or it was back in 2017 alongside warzone haha) The Gaminger by Gaminger, 11th December 2019
  4. Im starting to wondering if someone sold the account to you. How do you not know about the legends of the drama king lol
  5. Get known lol Jk all you got to do is get people to react to your posts But getting know helps lol
  6. boi you should know how I work by now. Were both old players here lol Chill I answered the pool
  7. Woah this is way funnier than the Bungeecoord glitch in 2017
  8. none. Not even kidding, gotta be honest you know.
  9. @TacticalModz round 2 begins haha
  10. Darwole you have to teach this disciple of yours the art.
  11. Survive the oncoming slaughter that is going to be the university tests Not die
  12. About the 50% rule breakers 50% cool peeps: Is it 50% out of all defaults rules breakers and 50% out of all defaults cool peeps or is it 50% rule breakers and the rest cool peeps? Cuz there is a big difference. In the first one you are not excluding the possibility of there being an intersection between rule breakers and cool peeps and in the other you are excluding. I used to break rules and be a cool peep soo yea.
  13. Successor to the idle servers based on right clicks: Idle server based on walking/sprinting - The more you run the more points you get (use count cm objective or smth) - Sprinting gives you speed, but you are limited to your stamina which naturally regenerates (Put stamina bar on top of hotbar using /title or smth) - With points you can unlock faster shoes and longer stages to run - Conveyor belts for AFK farming points (needs to be unlocked) - XRun tournaments with prizes This has everything needed to become top minehut player server for atleast a month. Do not get staff members to do this. Take 2 weeks to do the buildings and all command blocks (or skript, dont ask me how to do stuff there cuz idk) on your own. Trust me it will be worth the time. Getting staff members will only slow down things (you gotta take care of them and they will also do things their own way, not yours). Up to you to use this original idea. EDIT: Also add a separate count cm objetive for levels. After running a few cms, you level up. The higher the level the more stamina you have. Add your own ideas to this. Also if you are to do this, do not be lazy.
  14. Lately its been black friday ads lol
  15. You can always work alone. 100% of the servers I did were not griefed because of staff abuse. Not that my servers weren't griefed. Totally not minehut's fault on resetting stuff and getting players to abuse Bungeecord...
  16. I want the 2016 warzone bread. Nothing like the classics am i rite
  17. Yea now you made my xray go to waste.
  18. I am thankful I am. Pretty deep.
  19. Lmao you actually know what you're talking about? That guy almost team carried minehut on 2016, and he was very active and professional. He was Sr. Mod after all (the highest staff rank at the time besides Admin and maybe Dev). Want some statistics? Got em: - He was staff for 11 months. - He spent 1440 hours total on Minehut - He built 34 maps for Warzone/3v3/BedWars - He reviewd 700 staff applications - He hired more than 20 of staff members - He helped with the creation of the staff training process spreadsheet - He hosted 5 Warzone tournaments, multiple karaoke events and much more. As a staff member, he did all of this without earning anything. He lost his Sr. Mod rank outta nowhere mainly duo to how minehut admins were doing things back at the time. At the time, admins had alot of ideas for minehut, but most ended not being implemented/were not well executed. Admins also failed to recognize staff member's effort. 2016/2017 was a very drama-full time believe me. Btw when were you blacklisted?
  20. Were this 3 years ago and I would have done a good Gaminger on you While I think you're right, its not something that can be achieved. If there are people that IRL treat others like they are the same, then there will surely be people ingame doing the same. I mean its the internet, you ain't got nothing to lose besides a punishment in a game which can be bypassed by using alts anyway. Not saying people should stop treating everyone the same way because its impossible to do that tho. I gotta admit I am sort of a troll these days on the minehut forums, and I don't think that is wrong as long as I don't break the rules and what I think is morally correct lol
  21. Gaminger

    please guys

    The bananas are currently being fixed by the monkeys!
  22. All I want for christmasssss is warzone
  23. Nevertheless your name is familiar.
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