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Everything posted by Gaminger

  1. If it is an anarchy server then everything is allowed. If everything is allowed, then everyone is allowed to not allow other players to do certain actions. Hence it is not an anarchy server because there will be players that wont allow other players to do certain actions, and by definition you should be allowed to do anything you want in a anarchy server.
  2. Dammit! The current flow of events is leading the forums to create useless tutorials. This period will probably last 1 month. Lets begin.
  3. Its not a eterna ban so you shouldn't worry (Yes, eterna bans are a thing. The definition of eterna ban is a permanent ban that lasts forever, even if the server resets, meaning that if the owner were to eterna ban you and he was to create a new gamemode, you would already be banned from it.) Also getting banned is fun. I used to get banned atleast once a day when I was active soo yea xD If thats Lift, then it will die lol like cmon how can a cookieclicker based server last 3 months xD
  4. Based on my knowledge, it will eventually die. Literally 100% of all the player servers I played during all these years have died. The only thing that did not die was Warzone, and thats because it has been revived like 5 times now lol. I don't think Warzone even counts as a player server to begin with xD A more interesting question would be "how long will it last?". It depends on how much will it take to one of these things happen: A staff member abuses and breaks all the server. A random player from minehut abuses some stupid bug and gets access to OP, destroying the server. Staff members become less active, and the player number starts decreasing until everyone stops playing it. The owner decides to delete the server (most likely to happen if the owner is RyanDxxx, FREAKIN RYAN) The owner quits minehut, starting a process of decay and no evolution on the server. Minehut breaks, and all server gets reseted (this one has been the biggest server killer since ever. Don't believe them when they tell you it wont happen in the future, because it will, their fault or not). Community becomes toxic, and people start leaving. Minehut dies (And now you're like lol this aint happening. It actually happened once, during summer of 2016. Don't think it wont happen, because it may very well happen). Backups may save a server, but most of the times it wont because of one of these things Backup plugin doesn't work. The owner does not has backup. The owner is too lazy to start over. And it is mostly the last item that ends happening. Now I might get comments like lmao Gam ur stupid dumb idiot ofc it will last forever, it is the best player server since ever lol get lost. Ill guarrantee you: After 6 months, it wont exist, unless it gets revived just like Skyblocksminer was (That server got revived like 3 times and now it is dead. If thats not a good example of how eventually lift will die idk what else of an example I can give you lol). Now @MikeTheAngel I am waiting for your Sumo 2, @Faacto I am waiting for the OGs do revive beans for the 4th time, @RyanDxxx I am waiting for LegendsRPG or whatever the name was to be brought back, @Draconium I am wainting for Miners, @Kagaroo I am waiting for Cookieclicker, @Gaminger I am wainting for Runners 2, ...
  5. I don't think so. However it would be cool if we could look at older forum posts (starting from 2015)
  6. Jeez how come I remember the BennyDoesStuff is a robot post? Lol Dunno if I replied to it tho Gratz on 1k posts I guess lol About the giveaway, is it random? Cuz if I were to win that would be almost waste considering I haven't joined minehut since like mid summer haha
  7. Its like the drinking water tutorial, but better!
  8. How come you don't have aircraft delivery to other countries? Your logo has a freakin ovni
  9. Athletism, more specifically running lol I've been running for 10 years now.
  10. Gaminger


    Even tho they are pretty close, one is distinctively better than the other.
  11. I've already dressed up as an athlete today. Ill dress as myself for the rest of the day.
  12. Gaminger


    Orange is just lame really. Yellow rocks.
  13. Gaminger


    "Gaminger stop causing drama" - No. The Gaminger by Gaminger, 30 of October 2019
  14. Gaminger


    The hell are you doing here Its not 2016 you know
  15. all staff are animals or candies case closed.
  16. Now I have a profile pick. Gr8

    1. Gaminger


      Its just the plot of sen(xy/5). Themoreyouknow.

  17. Gaminger


    Just saying that if you could only see one color, you could not see gradients of that color, because gradients are essentially different colors by definition. With that being said, you would probably have some difficulty measuring the shape of the objects around you. Shadows would have the same color as everything around, and shadows are one of the cues that our brain uses to measure shapes and sizes. I would pick gray because its standard. Think about it if you pick anything besides gray, white or black. If you pick blue, you will see people blue, which is weird. Seeing things in gray is more normal than picking any other color.
  18. Aight imma grab that and play singleplayer because it does not come with big spender.
  19. Not really, because he didn't specifically mention that to make it gr8 boats and Pixelific need to be brought back.
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