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Everything posted by UntitledGoose

  1. I'm actually checking out ScytheMine right now haha!
  2. Yes I 100% understand that! It's hard to come up with something never before seen and execute it really well, that's what makes grasping the full potential of GenPVP servers hard. Perhaps another things that makes GenPVP servers not as fun as they should be is that usually the staff team of a server isn't really open to constructive criticism, I've had my fair share of mutes / bans from servers because I was suggesting better ways to do something, and I don't blame them either. Sometimes it's hard to tell if somebody is trying to be constructive or just criticizing your server without good reason, but I feel like server owners and development teams should be more open to their community, it's what makes a server the best in my opinion
  3. I'm not sure, I just feel that it's always just some islands that lead to mines and then you have shop npcs setup with Shopkeepers, and it's really repetitive that way. There's no real goal to it, just play until you run out of content. I think there should be more to it, more content that aren't just never before seen mines and tools, I'd love to see something unique that hasn't really been often thought about during the development of other servers.
  4. I used to be a massive fan of SkyPVP (GenPVP? SkyGens? Whatever it's called nowadays), they're super fun if done correctly, but hardly anybody does it correctly nowadays. It's one of those ideas that seem super easy to do correctly, but it's hard to harvest the full potential of the idea
  5. we can't just remove every single staff member and add like 20 more right off the bat, it's not that simple they have yet to be jr mods for even a month, please, please give them a chance; they're new to the environment and we should give them time to improve must've had a super floody advertisement then also spam and flood aren't the same thing (though they confuse me) if you're not gonna appeal it i don't see why it's our issue I'm kinda split in which way to pick for this one. I agree with this but I feel like there's something else that's wrong about it (I can't quite figure out what's nagging me here) as marsh said you wouldn't be the first so many people would exploit this no rude intent here sorry if it came out that way
  6. somebody breaches minehut buys vip ha ha you cant ban me
  7. yeah this is gonna be super easy lol
  8. nope but i am very capable of learning new things
  9. @Jackson85 can you lock this post 3q6 necro posting smh
  10. the "on join:" event does that, the "on first join:" event only triggers when the player joins for the first time, and then never again
  11. command /report [<offline player>] [<text>]: cooldown: {@cooldown} cooldown message: {@CooldownMessage} cooldown bypass: {@CooldownBypass} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>" else: if arg-2 is not set: send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>" else: you can just put usage: &cUsage: /report <player> <reason> before the trigger, no need for any of that "if arg-1 is not set" stuff
  12. you can just use the "on first join:" event on first join: give player diamond sword set join message to "&b%player% &fjoined for the first time!"
  13. peach rings are bomb cant say i like sour candy because my taste buds are super duper sensitive to it and they are stinky
  14. ok so i dont wanna continue any arguments or anything but it's only $12 (i am exaggerating this part dont get mad kthx) it's not like the end of the world is near when we don't get a refund
  15. a thing where you do your classwork because school is more important than broken english in a .sk file
  16. how do i get minehut staff to follow me

  17. skript-mirror won't be added due to security issues
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