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Everything posted by UntitledGoose

  1. re: Skymner You need to format the string in /discord, otherwise "<link:...>" will show in plaintext.
  2. You can't say staff are biased because you got banned for impersonating Trent.
  3. When you entered your message, you forgot to remove the "birdflop.com" part. Just remove the birdflop.com from your message and reset your prefix
  4. kill victim would work, that's completely valid. The reference to the victim isn't deleted when the victim dies, and even if it did, when the server tries to kill the victim, the victim would still be alive and very killable
  5. UntitledGoose


    inb4 he changed the post
  6. why did you post it if it wasn't yours ??? @boxboxboxbox_ also requesting lock for necropost
  7. invision moment also you forgot to put a send or other effect in the last line take it as constructive criticism
  8. For future reference, if you need somebody to make a script for you, you should post in the Marketplace section, not the Script Releases section @DeMineMeister
  9. Locked Please refrain from replying to posts that have been inactive for a month or longer @Chixen, thanks!
  10. Locked Please refrain from replying to posts that have been inactive for a month or longer @slam64notch, thanks!
  11. Locked Please refrain from replying to posts that have been inactive for a month or later @Zocz, thanks!
  12. Locked Please refrain from replying to posts that have been inactive for a month or later @picklesaregamers, thanks! Also, no it didn't It just created a new world and put you in it, it never deleted your old worlds. If you're opped, you can just do /worlds, and then click on the old world to teleport to it.
  13. Locked Please refrain from replying to posts that have been inactive for a month or later @Mikel7757, thanks!
  14. Locked Please refrain from replying to posts that have been inactive for a month or longer @gjm1173, thanks!
  15. Moved to Skript - Discussion Please make sure you're posting in the correct category when posting next time @motogeekster69. Thanks!
  16. It's a lot easier and more efficient to use the On Move On event. on step on purple glazed terracotta: teleport player to location(252, 166, 260, world "world")
  17. we can get some applause for ex staff members it's ok
  18. Nicely done! Just a tip, but instead of using a variable like {backpacks.open::%player's uuid%} to determine whether or not a player's backpack is open, try using a metadata tag like metadata value "backpacks-open" of player. Metadata tags are much better in a case like this because they do not take up valuable variable space, and are deleted automatically when the server stops, so you don't have to worry about deleting it yourself if the server shuts down unexpectedly. You can also pack an effect and condition into one line, for example: if {god::%victim's uuid%} is true: cancel event turns into: cancel event if {god::%victim's uuid%} is true Also, you don't need to make every single argument in a command optional, so instead of having command /retrieve [<integer>] [<integer>], you can have command /retrieve <integer> <integer>, and then in your code, you wouldn't have to check if each argument is set.
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