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Everything posted by UntitledGoose

  1. also forgot to clarify, i will be adding more customizability soon, seeing as it isn't customizable at all if you don't know what you're doing
  2. I wouldn't like to have to take "3 months" and convert to "12 weeks" to be honest, haha
  3. yes but I have never had success using timespans, and it's a bit of a pain to convert "5w" to "5 weeks", plus timespans only goes up to weeks, you can't do something like "1 month", or "2 years" basically, I find unix timestamps a whole lot easier
  4. hello, I made myself a punishment system a while ago, and I've decided to put it here. credit isn't required but appreciated. you can get it here. if the hyperlink doesn't work for whatever reason, just paste this url into your browser https://parser.skunity.com/f23ae123
  5. no point in adding a command that gives the player's ips because ips are masked on minehut
  6. could use 'teleport player to highest solid block at location({_x}, 0, {_z}, world "world")', but otherwise it looks pretty good keep it up
  7. a good challenge is good practice not a request for me because i already have my own systems, this is purely just a challenge for you. try and make your own 'HolographicDisplays system', so people can make holograms with only Skript and any addons if needed
  8. or perhaps not.... hmm.. not sure why skript is complaining, perhaps just inconsistency, but try my advice anyways
  9. mate this isnt a problem with our fork we didn't do anything that should break your script and instead of using "if {@clearchat} is yes/no", instead use "if {@clearchat} is true/false", that's how it works pal
  10. Cancelling the event and then setting the block to air gives a not-great user experience. It's not great practice. Unless Delta's PR gets merged into Skript's main branch, as far as I know, the best way to do a Telekinesis enchant with vanilla Skript is by using this script I have linked, however, even this isn't 100% foolproof because it can catch any items that are super close to the dropped items, but it shouldn't be too bad.
  11. https://parser.skunity.com/450fd19b
  12. https://parser.skunity.com/cd8c081d
  13. this should do the trick, notify me if there are any issues https://parser.skunity.com/d3d05c3e
  14. well i mean people could just get your plugin list by doing !server (your server name) in the #botcmds channel of the Minehut channel but here you go.... https://parser.skunity.com/f59db173
  15. looks like a neat plugin +1, could be useful
  16. /gamerule mobGriefing false
  17. seems like an interesting plugin dont we have skript or is this plugin generally more efficient than any scripts out there
  18. Minehut would first have to get permission from Dream to add these plugins... the plugins originate from Dream's patreon which requires money to get access to, one of his patreon members just dumped the plugins to spigot without permission
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