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Everything posted by MrScopes

  1. I can make anything you need in skript, payment is paypal (cheap). Message me on discord MrScopes#5548
  2. MrScopes

    Is TUSKE broken?

    if you do /sk reload scripts or /sk reload all it breaks tuske guis
  3. theres about 0 people in the minehut community who meet these requirements
  4. yay more randoms on the staff team
  5. thats a forums bug, remove the last character
  6. ngl I just scrolled for like 10 mins but let's quit minehut together
  7. or just do give tool to player
  8. you need to indent command /server <text>: description: Go To a server permission: changeservers executable by: players trigger: if arg 1 is "Lobby": execute console command "/mv tp %player% ul_Lobby" else if arg 1 is "KitPVP": execute console command "/mv tp %player% ul_KitPVP" else: message "There is no world named arg 1"
  9. example of a world command command /world [<text>]: trigger: teleport player to location(0, 255, 0, (arg parsed as world))
  10. MrScopes


    Why do people use "skript" as a verb? Why do they use "skripter" as an adjective, or if it was like an ocupation or something. Why do people call scripts "skripts"? They are advertised everywhere as scripts.
  11. This is actually in vanilla, just use the teleport function. Here's an example: command /world [<text>]: trigger: teleport player to location(0, 255, 0, (arg parsed as world))
  12. I could easily make my bots bypass this
  13. no one wants to download a file for a script ; p
  14. why use 2 seconds? also, you should do something like this for the command: command /playtime [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: set {_p} to arg ? player set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid send "&6&lPLAYTIME&7 %{_p}%'s playtime is %{playtime::%{_u}%} ? 0 seconds%."
  15. here's a non bad version of this every second: loop all players: add 1 second to {playtime::%loop-player's uuid%} function time(t: text) :: text: set {_n} to {_t} replace all " seconds" and " second" with "s" in {_n} replace all " minutes" and " minute" with "m" in {_n} replace all " hours" and " hour" with "h" in {_n} replace all " days" and " day" with "d" in {_n} replace all " and " with " " in {_n} return {_n} command /playtime [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: set {_p} to arg 1 ? player set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid if {playtime::%{_u}%} is not set: send "&cThat user is not registered." else: set {_time} to time("%{playtime::%{_u}%}%") send "" send " &3%{_p}'s playtime: &7%{_time}%" send ""
  16. it's super simple to store kills under that variable, someone asked me to help them with a killtop so I sent them this
  17. users can make requests with this, big no no for now
  18. MrScopes


    as promised, the beans season 9 scripts are now public https://gist.github.com/MrScopes/5c1aacc892f6eb1170605b12bc7d2274
  19. I don't know if I'm the best, but I'm certainly a fair bit better than 95% of this list \;p
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