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Everything posted by MrScopes

  1. my thoughts are ram is expensive and 1gb for free is already a lot, that should be enough if you use paper and optimize it properly
  2. MrScopes


  3. Hi, you should set this to false instead of true, it's located in the root of your file manager
  4. Custom plugins are on the way with no ETA
  5. on tab complete: if event-string is "/manhunt": set tab completions for position 1 to "Help", "Join" and "Leave" requires SkBee (essential addon imo)
  6. lmao this guy said to challenge him and he's declined every challenge
  7. MrScopes

    Minehut Exposed

    Yeah I'm treated differently as well, pretty annoying. Anything I say will and has been twisted so the minehut staff can find a way to punish me.
  8. not really any of them but if I had to choose, @Mr_Kurtis
  9. just enable uuids in skript config
  10. If your server doesn't use Skript's "send formatted" effect, you're in the clear. Basically if your server uses "send formatted", users can sudo other users when they click the chat message. Assuming the "send formatted" is in your [item] code, here's a solution: on chat: if message contains "[item]": cancel event replace all "<" and ">" with "" in message # do [item] stuff send formatted "&7%player%&8: &f%message%" to all players else: set chat format to "&7%player%&8: &f%message%" It's extremely easy to abuse "send formatted" so for server security I'm not explaining how to use it.
  11. honestly just use something like this command /gmc [<offline player=%player%>]: permission: gamemode.creative trigger: set arg's gamemode to creative send "&7Updated &b%arg%&7's gamemode to &bcreative&7." send "&7Your gamemode has been set to &bcreative&7." if arg isn't player
  12. cool but you should make it if they don't type any of the 3 arguments, it defaults to "help"
  13. on load: set {i::*} to all items remove barrier from {i::*} every 20 seconds: {give} isn't set loop all players: set {_i} to a random item out of {i::*} give loop-player 1 of {_i} command /toggle: description: enable/disable users receiving items periodically permission: op trigger: if {give} isn't set: send "&aEnabled &7periodic items." set {give} to true else: send "&cDisabled &7periodic items." delete {give}
  14. check the fac page https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001333733-Minehut
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