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About ProfCube

  • Birthday June 20

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  1. @AgentGamerPro IDK i just made it for the hell of it
  2. @Kazoris14 I have made a skript for that but it currently a paid item in mc-market if you want a new one let me know what you want on it and what plugin you are using for banning?
  3. @Pix3lPanos here is the code, you will need the following plugins: Skript Skript-gui Hopefully this suffice the need that you wanted I tested this in 1.18.2 I was not able to do the sneak, but was able to do the right click. options: GUI: &c&lSHOP # Avariables: # {item_amount} = 10 command /setnpc: permission: npc.create trigger: spawn 1 villager at location of player set name of last spawned entity to "{@GUI}" apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days set {npc} to location of player command /kill: permission: npc.kill trigger: loop all entities: name of loop-entity contains "{@GUI}" kill loop-entity every second: loop all entities: name of loop-entity contains "{@GUI}" teleport loop-entity to {npc} on damage: name of victim contains "{@GUI}" cancel event on right click on entity: name of clicked entity contains "{@GUI}" if {spam::%player%} is true: send "&cPlease dont spam the npc" to player else: set {spam::%player%} to true mShop(player, "shop") wait 1 second set {spam::%player%} to false on death: set {spam::%victim%} to false on join: set {spam::%player%} to false function mShop(p: player, m: text): if {_m} is "shop": create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&c&lHermes Speed Shop": make gui slot 13 with speed potion named "&b&lHermes": set {_d} to amount of diamonds in player's inventory if {_d} >= 10: remove 10 diamonds from {_p}'s inventory give 1 potions of swiftness named "&b&lHermes" to {_p} else: if {_d} <= 10: send "&cYou don't have enought Diamonds" open last gui to {_p}
  4. This is a remake of the flight skript @SfxzGoldenn had created here this one includes when a player gets hit, they will have the flight disable. I didn't put a timer when they get hit to use the flight command again, just something to make for him XD on damage: victim is a player: if {fly::%victim%} is true: set victim's flight mode to false delete {fly::%victim%} send "&cYou have been attacked by %attacker%, disabeling flight" to victim command /fly: permission: profcube.fly trigger: set {_p} to player if {fly::%{_p}%} isn't set: send "&7Flight mode is now &a&lenabled" to player set player's flight mode to true set {fly::%{_p}%} to true stop send "&7Flight mode is now &c&ldisabled" to player set player's flight mode to false delete {fly::%{_p}%} stop
  5. broadcast timer PLEASE

    1. ProfCube


      I made this extremely simple

      	message: "&b&lMinehut &8» &7We're having a 50%% sale going on our store @ store.burcraft.net" or "&b&lMinehut &8» &7If you have spotted a hacker, you can do &c/report&7 to report them" or "&b&lMinehut &8» &7We encorage you to do &c/rule&7 to go over any information so that you don't get banned!" or "&b&lMinehut &8» &7If you need any assistance you can do &c/helpop&7 to get attention from our staff team. "
      every 5 minute:
      	broadcast ""
      	broadcast {@message}
      	broadcast ""

      Under the options to add your message that will be picked randomly from. You will need to put them in " " and then to add more you will need to add or after the quotes.

      Every 5 minutes the server will spit out a random message for your players to see


      Just change your massages to what you want, color codes are supported okay


    2. hahhaskrpitgobrrrr
  6. I have sent you a message with all the commands and permission that will help you
  7. options: badwords: "fuck" and "shit" and "ass" broadcast_on: &aWe hve turned cathlic broadcast_off: &cYou may speak the devils wordings badword_message: &2*&a We don't speak the devils wording&2 * on chat: if {sfw::word} is true: if {sfw::word::*} contains {@badwords}: if player has permission "sfw.bypass": stop else: send "{@badword_message}" cancel event command /sfw [<text>]: permission: sfw.command permission message: &cYou currently don't have access to this command. Contact your adminitrator if this is a mistake! trigger: if arg 1 is "on": add {@badwords} to {sfw::word::*} broadcast "{@broadcast_on}" set {sfw::word} to true else if arg 1 is "off": broadcast "{@broadcast_off}" set {sfw::word} to false @Raith all you need to do is just add the bad words you want and do /sfw on if you want your staff to be able to speak the censored words give them sfw.bypass hopefully I got what you wanted
  8. A little bit more specific, like for the items of the command it self?
  9. on first join: if {coin::%uuid of player%} isn't set: set {coin::%uuid of player%} to 0 on death: if attacker is a player: if the victim is a player: add 1 to {coin::%attacker%} send action bar "&7You have killed &e%player%&7 we have added &e1&7 point!" to attacker send "&7You have been killed by &e%attacker%" to player function shopGUI(t: String, p: Player): if {_t} is "shop": open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "Shop &6$&e%{coin::%{_p}%}%" to {_p} format gui slot (all integers between 0 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 26 and 27 and 35 and 36 and 44, and all integers between 45 and 53) of {_p} with black stained glass pane named "&f" with lore "&f" format gui slot 10 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 11 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 12 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 13 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 14 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 15 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 16 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 19 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 20 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 21 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 22 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 23 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 24 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 25 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 28 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 29 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 30 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 31 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 32 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 33 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 34 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 37 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 38 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 39 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 40 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 41 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 42 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" format gui slot 43 of {_p} with red wool named "" with lore "" to run using "left" click: make console execute command "" and "" command /point [<text>] [<integer>] [<offline player>]: permission: point.command permission message: &cYou currently don't have access to this command. Contact your adminitrator if this is a mistake! trigger: if arg-1 isn't set: send "&8&m---------&8»&6&l Balance&8 «&m---------" send "&7You currently have &6$&e%{coin::%player%}%&7 points" send "&8&m------------------------------" if arg 1 is "shop": if arg 2 isn't set: if arg 3 isn't set: shopGUI("shop", player) if player has permission "points.*": if arg 1 is "add": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is set: add arg-2 to {coin::%arg-3%} send "&6$&e%arg-2%&7 has been added to your balance" else if arg 1 is "remove": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is player: subtract arg-2 from {coin::%arg-3%} send "&4$&c%arg-2%&7 has been removed from your balance" else if arg 1 is "info": if arg 2 isn't set: if arg 3 is set: send "&6&l%arg-3%&7 currently has a total of &e%{coin::%arg-3%}%&7 points" else if arg 1 is "clear": if arg 2 isn't set: if arg 3 isn't set: delete {coin::*} set {coin::%uuid of player%} to 0 send "&7Your balance was cleared by staff to &4$&c%{coin::%uuid of player%}%" # ############### # This section is to have the console execute the command else if command sender is console: if arg 1 is "add": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is set: add arg-2 to {coin::%arg-3%} send "&6$&e%arg-2%&7 has been added to your balance" else if arg 1 is "remove": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is player: subtract arg-2 from {coin::%arg-3%} send "&4$&c%arg-2%&7 has been removed from your balance" else if arg 1 is "info": if arg 2 isn't set: if arg 3 is set: send "&6&l%arg-3%&7 currently has a total of &e%{coin::%arg-3%}%&7 points" else if arg 1 is "clear": if arg 2 isn't set: if arg 3 isn't set: delete {coin::*} set {coin::%uuid of player%} to 0 send "&7Your balance was cleared by staff to &4$&c%{coin::%uuid of player%}%" You will need the Addon Tuske for it to work on your server idk what items you wanted in the guy so I just made it with all red wool all you need to do is add the commands and information on what it needs to be
  10. options: tooltip: &fThis will bring you to our discord message: &3&lServer Name&8 |&7 Click here to join our &3&lDISCORD link: https://minehut.com command /discord: trigger: json("%player%", "{@message}||ttp:&f{@tooltip}||url:{@link}") @wowlolk Make sure to have installed this skript json.sk Once you have both in the folder do this in game /sk reload json.sk and /sk reload [name of discord file]
  11. function enchant(value: text, r1: text, r2: text, r3: text, r4: text) :: text: replace all "[%{_r1}%]" with "%{_r2}%" in {_message} replace all "[%{_r3}%]" with "%{_r4}%" in {_message} command /enchant [<text>]: aliases: /enchantment trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&8&m---------&8»&6&l Enchant&8 «&m---------" send "" send "&e/enchant <enchantment> [<level>]" send "" send "&8&m------------------------------" enchant player's tool with arg 1 parsed as enchantment type set {_test} to arg 1 parsed as enchantment type {_test} is an enchantment type: set {_message} to enchant("Enchant", "Item", "%type of player's tool%", "Enchantment", arg 1) else: send "&8&m---------&8»&6&l Enchant&8 «&m---------" send "" send "&e/enchant <enchantment> [<level>]" send "" send "&8&m------------------------------" @Skeppys_stocking
  12. command /boom [<integer>] [<entity type>] [<offline player>]: permission: SkBoom.* permission message: &cYou currently don't have access to this command. Contact your adminitrator if this is a mistake! description: &fSummons mobs at a player aliases: /b trigger: set {_player} to location of block above targeted block set {_number} to 1 if arg 1 is set: set {_number} to arg 1 arg 3 is set: set {_player} to arg 3 spawn {_number} of arg 2 at {_player} @TBNR_Yash
  13. Yea sorry I just fixed it, it was the last line of the code that was doing that, go a head and copy the code again.
  14. This is a very simple gamemode skript, it will take no problem on the server at all This is a re-write to a skript i wrote months back, but i have hidden it XD so i can post this one lol, Permission: gamemode.* - Give you all the permission needed to run command. gamemode - Give you access to change your gamemode. gamemode.other - Ability to change other players gamemode. options: nopermission: &cYou currently don't have access to this permission! permission: gamemode s: "survival","s" or "0" c: "creative","c" or "1" a: "adventure","a" or "2" sp: "spectator" or "3" function gamemode(p: player, gamemode: text): if {_gamemode} is {@s}: set gamemode of {_p} to survival send "&7Your gamemode has been changed to &eSurvival&7!" to {_p} if {_gamemode} is {@c}: set gamemode of {_p} to creative send "&7Your gamemode has been changed to &eCreative&7!" to {_p} if {_gamemode} is {@a}: set gamemode of {_p} to adventure send "&7Your gamemode has been changed to &eAdventure&7!" to {_p} if {_gamemode} is {@sp}: set gamemode of {_p} to spectator send "&7Your gamemode has been changed to &eSpectator&7!" to {_p} command /gamemode [<text>] [<OfflinePlayer>]: permission: {@permission}.* permission message: {@nopermission} aliases: gm trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&7/gamemode &e<text> <player>" if player has permission "{@permission}": arg 2 isn't set: gamemode(player, arg-1) if player has permission "{@permission}.other": arg 2 is set: gamemode(arg-2, arg-1) Requirements: Skript
  15. Well not here to pick wether you should or shouldn't. it's your option
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