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SuperOrca last won the day on February 18

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  1. You are checking if a required argument is set? I'm not sure I understand.
  2. Why don't you use the usage attribute when making a command. There are a few lines you can remove. Also, it would be cool if you added a silent flag to the command. Good luck!
  3. I don't see any point in this skript. You can set a default rank in Luck Perms and you can set prefix and suffix for a group in the nametagedit config.
  4. I completely agree. Minehut should check whitelist and visibility. I'm not sure how possible it is though.
  5. here is hastebin link: https://hastebin.com/exufikilev.css pls note there might be some errors
  6. You didn't talk about local, memory, or metadata variables.
  7. There are no good skript anticheats!!
  8. Here are some things you can add 1) A way to view the warns of player 2) A way to "unwarn" a player
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