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Everything posted by Stargazers

  1. You can run /pardon <username> from the panel to unban yourself. Also, please remeber to post in the correct categories. Topic moved to Community Support.
  2. Instead of looping (which may cause lag) you can use: send "msg" to all players where [input has the permission "perm"]
  3. The click(ed) type expression is only available in an inventory click event. You can use this instead: format gui slot (slot) of (player) to run with left click:
  4. You would have to use a variable for experience and another one for levels. Ex: {experience::%player's uuid%} and {level::%player's uuid%} Then whenever you add to the exp variable you would have to check if the new value is greater than or equal to 500. A few useful tutorials for simple scripts like these can be found here and here.
  5. Do you mean vanilla Minecraft experience or a custom one? If vanilla, you can use the on level change event.
  6. There may be an option in the KiteBoard configuration file for this. If not, you can use Skript and one of its addons (skRayFall and Skellett deal with scoreboards.)
  7. Yes, it is possible. You can use the on death event, and set the drops.
  8. You can simply click on the zip so it's selected (click once), right click on it, and press rename to rename your file.
  9. You have to make the name "AlreadyInUse" so the panel can be right
  10. You cannot install or use custom plugins on Minehut (Also please post in the right categories. This belongs in Community Support) Topic moved to community support.
  11. You would have to teleport the player rather than setting their location. The correct syntax for teleporting would be: teleport player to location(x, y, z, world("world")) There is also a yaw & pitch option within the location function (the location function is the location(stuff)), yaw & pitch is used to set a player's direction, to use it, replace the location above with location(x, y, z, world("world"), 0.01, 0.01).
  12. It depends where you are. If you're not in a big city, inhaling. If you are somewhere with a lot of people and/or pollution, exhaling.
  13. I don't believe it's currently possible to send packets via Skellett at this time.
  14. Unfortunately, we don't support backups as of this moment. Unless the world just got switched and you can teleport back to it (using /worlds), there's nothing we/you can do if you haven't saved it.
  15. Thanks for the life tips, not reacting to this really saved me.
  16. It's amazing, I know. Took me around a tenth of the time you gave us.
  17. Stargazers


    Please try to post in the correct category! This thread belongs in Community Support rather than Skript. Topic moved to Community Support.
  18. Please try to make sure you're posting in the correct categories! This thread belongs in Community Support. Moved to Community Support.
  19. Stargazers


    I usually use Skript, but it isn't really a permissions plugin in itself. If you want a light-weight simple plugin to use, I suggest LuckPerms. You can find a tutorial on LP here.
  20. Use of skQuery GUIs is highly discouraged because of the amount of bugs it has. An alternative would be to use TuSKe GUIs or Vanilla GUIs (TuSKe is easier). You can find the syntax for his here. You can also find helpful documentation for Skript here.
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