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Everything posted by Stargazers

  1. You have to join using the server name, not your friend's name. Use /find <player> to get the name of the server they're on.
  2. 0 ticking no longer works because of the conversion to Paper Spigot. I don't think anything can be changed to fix that.
  3. He's a genius, how can anyone match up to this?
  4. I wish I knew how to do that, can you teach me?
  5. You can use the mod Optifine for client-side shaders (https://optifine.net). Once you install and restart your game, you can go to Options > Video Settings > Shaders > Open shader pack folder Drag and drop your shaders pack into the folder. Then just click on the pack in the menu (may need a menu refresh).
  6. Bedrock isn't supported on Minehut atm.
  7. Stargazers


    Try running your timings to see what may be lagging your server. Timing use: Run /timings on, wait 5 minutes and run /timings paste
  8. Normally, servers don't crash without a cause. Try running your server timings to see if anything is lagging your server To use timings: Run /timings on, wait about 5 minutes, and then run /timings paste Also, it's not Minehut's fault that the capacity is low or a server is crashing. Inactive servers shut down after 5 minutes with no players online as well.
  9. Yeah, it's a Spigot feature. Nice to use for things like this, I wish I knew about it sooner too.
  10. Alternatively, you could use the chat recipients expression and avoid broadcasting and cancelling the event. Example: set chat recipients to all players where [input's world = player's world]
  11. Unfortunately, Skript anticheats are highly discourages due to the fact that they may cause high levels of lag and may not accurately detect client modifications.
  12. Also, you can't cancel a quit event.
  13. There could be a plugin or script causing this. If you do the command /timings on and wait a few minutes, then type /timings paste you can see what may be lagging your server.
  14. Bees are on a version that Minehut doesn't support yet. You'll have to wait until support is added to use those features.
  15. You can op yourself by typing "/op <your username here>" on the panel (through console), and can download plugins in the tab on the panel labelled Plugins. You have to restart your server after you install a plugin for it to be initialized.
  16. Nice, backups on the panel are gonna be great.
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