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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 12 hours ago, chitraksh said:

    these things are happening from some 4 days sometime i leave automatically then join same happens to my friend


    Whoever is following you is most likely doing /find chitraksh (or whatever your IGN is). To disable this, you can go to the lobby or any server and type /settings.

    If they are still following you, make sure the player is on tab, it could be a /tellraw command, and you can check the logs on the website to see if anything suspicious is happening.

    You can also whitelist your server by doing /whitelist on, then doing /whitelist add (players)

    Hope these tips help!

    (also dont post this in skript discussion and this is not related to it at all)

  2. 9 hours ago, mefishslayer said:

    The server is in easy except everyone in my server feels like we take way more damage than normal. My netherite armor depleted halfway with protection in an hour. I barely even fought mobs. Is there a way to configure how much damage you take?

    /effect give (player) minecraft:resistance (time) (amplifier 1-5) (show effects: true/false)
    amplifier 1 is 20% damage resistance, 2 is 40%, 3 is 60%, all the way to 5 / 100%
    If amplifier is from 5 to 255 youll take no damage

  3. On 12/31/2020 at 6:40 PM, altfox said:

        prefix: RainbowChat
        NoPerm Message: &nYou don't have permission for this command!

        ActivateMessage: &eRainbowChat has been enabled!
        DeactivateMessage: &eRainbowChat has been disabled

        ActivateOtherMessage: &e%player% has enabled your RainbowChat
        ActivateOtherMessagePlayer: &eYou have enabled %arg%'s RainbowChat

        DeactivateOtherMessage: &e%player% has disabled your RainbowChat
        DeactivateOtherMessagePlayer: &eYou have disabled %arg%'s RainbowChat

        # Rainbow Options:
        #Saturation is recommended to let it at 1

        # lightness allows you to make it brighter or darker. between 0 and 1
        # Stretch allows you to define how fast it changes the color, higher stretch, means faster changes
        # offset allows you to start at another color instead of Red (0)

        saturation: 1       # between 0 and 1
        lightness: 0.6      # between 0 and 1
        stretch: 5          # recommended not making it too high, looks ugly then 
        offset: 355           # This allows you to offset the color, 0-360

    command rainbowchat [<player>]:
            # No Perm message, put here so i can use format the message
            send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r %gradient(""{@NoPerm Message}"",(150,0 and 0),(255,0 and 50))%" if player does not have permission "rainbow.use"
            player has permission "rainbow.use"

            if arg-1 is not set:
                if {rainbowchat::%player's uuid%} is true:
                    set {rainbowchat::%player's uuid%} to false
                    send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r {@DeactivateMessage}"
                    set {rainbowchat::%player's uuid%} to true
                    send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r {@ActivateMessage}"

                player has permission "rainbow.use.admin":
                    if {rainbowchat::%arg-1's uuid%} is true:
                        set {rainbowchat::%arg-1's uuid%} to false
                        send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r {@DeactivateOtherMessage}" to arg
                        send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r {@DeactivateOtherMessagePlayer}"
                        set {rainbowchat::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
                        send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r {@ActivateOtherMessage}" to arg
                        send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r {@ActivateOtherMessagePlayer}"
                    send colored "&6[%rainbow2(""{@prefix}"")%&6]&r %gradient(""{@NoPerm Message}"",(150,0 and 0),(255,0 and 50))%"

    on load:
        set {hex::*} to "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f","k","l","m","n" and "o"

    function rgbToHex(values: numbers) :: string:
        loop {_values::*}:
            set {_r} to "%{_r} ? ""<##""%%{hex::%(( (round(loop-value)) - mod((round(loop-value)), 16)) / 16 + 1)%} ? """"%%{hex::%mod((round(loop-value)), 16) + 1%} ? """"%"
        return colored "%{_r}%>"

    function hslToRgb(h: number, s: number, l: number) :: integers: #
        set {_h} to {_h}/360
        if {_s} = 0:
            set {_r}, {_g} and {_b} to {_l}
            set {_q} to (({_l} * ({_s} + 1)) if {_l} < 0.5, else ({_l} + {_s} - {_l} * {_s}))
            set {_p} to (2 * {_l}) - {_q}
            set {_r} to hueToRgb({_p}, {_q}, {_h} + 1 / 3)
            set {_g} to hueToRgb({_p}, {_q}, {_h})
            set {_b} to hueToRgb({_p}, {_q}, {_h} - 1 / 3)
        broadcast "%{_h}% %{_s}% %{_l}% %round(min(255, (255 * {_g})))%" if round(min(255, (255 * {_b}))) > 255
        return round(min(255, (255 * {_r}))), round(min(255, (255 * {_g}))) and round(min(255, (255 * {_b})))

    function hueToRgb(p: number, q: number, t: number) :: number:
        add 1 to {_t} if {_t} < 0
        remove 1 from {_t} if {_t} > 1
        return {_p} + ({_q} - {_p}) * 6 * {_t} if {_t} < 1 / 6
        return {_q} if {_t} < 1/2
        return {_p} + ({_q} - {_p}) * (2 / 3 - {_t}) * 6 if {_t} < 2 / 3
        return {_p}

    function gradient(input: string, color-from: integers, color-to: integers) :: string:
        loop {_color-from::*}:
            set {_i::%loop-index%} to ({_color-to::%loop-index%} - loop-value) / length of {_input}
        loop length of {_input} times:
            if subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number - 1 to loop-number - 1 = "§":
                set {_format} to "%{_format} ? """"%&%subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number%" if {hex::*} contains subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number
                clear {_format} if subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number = "r"
                continue loop
            set {_r} to "%{_r} ? """"%%rgbToHex({_color-from::*})%%{_format} ? """"%%subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number%"
            set {_color-from::*} to ({_color-from::1} + {_i::1}), ({_color-from::2} + {_i::2}) and ({_color-from::3} + {_i::3})
        return colored {_r}

    function rainbow(input: string, saturation: number = 1, lightness: number = 0.5) :: string:
        loop (length of {_input}) times:
            if subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number - 1 to loop-number - 1 = "§":
                set {_format} to "%{_format} ? """"%&%subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number%" if {hex::*} contains subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number
                clear {_format} if subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number = "r"
                continue loop
            set {_l} to 360 / (length of {_input})
            set {_r} to "%{_r} ? """"%%rgbToHex(hslToRgb((loop-number * ({_l} if loop-number != 1, else 1)), {_saturation}, {_lightness}))%%{_format} ? """"%%subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number%"
        return colored {_r}

    function rainbow2(input: string, saturation: number = 1, lightness: number = 0.5, stretch: number = 5, offset: number = 0) :: string:
        loop (length of {_input}) times:
            # ---- Remove the part below to remove color formatting  
            if subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number - 1 to loop-number - 1 = "§":
                set {_format} to "%{_format} ? """"%&%subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number%" if {hex::*} contains subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number
                clear {_format} if subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number = "r"
                continue loop
            # ---- Remove the part above to remove color formatting  
            set {_l} to loop-number * {_stretch}+{_offset} if loop-number*{_stretch}+{_offset} <= 360, else mod(loop-number*{_stretch}+{_offset}, 360)
            set {_r} to "%{_r} ? """"%%rgbToHex(hslToRgb({_l}, {_saturation}, {_lightness}))%%{_format} ? """"%%subtext of {_input} from indices loop-number to loop-number%"
        return colored {_r}

    on chat:
        {rainbowchat::%player's uuid%} is true
        set message to rainbow2(message,{@saturation},{@lightness},{@stretch},{@offset}) if player does not have permission "rainbow.use.format" , else "%rainbow2(colored message,{@saturation},{@lightness},{@stretch},{@offset})% "

    1. Please use the code block or pastebin instead of pasting your skript into the post.

    2. Post skripts in skript releases

    3. This is alot like a rainbow chat skript by @Sorbon

  4. On 12/28/2020 at 9:00 PM, _iZ_ said:

    What error are you getting? I've tried it and it works fine... it might be that you forgot the ] bracket at the end.

    yea i realized that 😕 fixed thx

  5. 5 minutes ago, not_brynn said:

    I created a free minecraft server and ive looked at the op video and previous forum posts but cant find anything that can help me with the new website setup.

    go to minehut.com and sign up/log in. Click "Edit Server" if its started up. In the console (Server Command) on the tab "Appearance" type /op <IGN>

  6. Purchase Help

    Skript / Buycraft




    This skript allows you to talk to players about purchases made in Buycraft/Tebex, incase they have a problem or issue. /msg could be disabled, but all you need to do is type in chat while you're in a meeting.



    /PurchaseHelp - Sends a messages to all players with the perm "Purchase.Help" about an issue you're having. (you can add a msg with the command)

    /Contact <Player> (Purchase.Help) - Allows you to send you and the player into a "meeting", which disables normal chat, and lets you talk 1 on 1.

    /ContactCancel <Player> (Purchase.Help or Purchase.Admin) - Closes the meeting and returns you to normal chat




    Purchase.Help - Can enter meetings and help people

    Purchase.Admin - Can close meetings without being in them


    To Be Implemented:

    Have multiple meetings running at once

    Make a /NormalChat so you can type in normal chat whilst being in a meeting


    PasteBin: https://pastebin.com/NdhLLg56

    I think this is my first Skript release, so if you have any suggestions, let me know 🙂

  7. Im making a shop skript for a server, and im trying to put in carpet in the decor shop. Thing is, cyan carpet wont work.

    format slot 8 of player with 8 cyan carpet named "&f&l8 Cyan Carpets" with lore "" and "&6200 Coins" to run [BuyCyanCarpet(player)

    This works for every other carpet, except cyan.

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