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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 39 minutes ago, peepeepoopoo121214 said:

    I need to use arguments for a command that has an effect that tps you, how do i make this work:

                teleport player to ({arg1}, {arg2}, {arg3}, flatroom)

    you can use just 1 variable to teleport a player to

    set {Teleport} to location of player
    teleport player to {Teleport}


  2. function BuyDirt(p: player):
    	if {DirtPurchased.%{_p}%} is not set: # makes it so you can only purchase once
    		if {balance::%{_p}'s uuid%} >= 20000: # check if player has sufficent balance
    			set {DirtPurchased.%{_p}%} to true # makes it so you can only purchase once
    			remove 20000 from {balance::%{_p}'s uuid%} # removes money from balance
    			make console execute command "SetBooster %{_p}% 2" # sets players boost from console
    			send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p} # message saying not enough money
    		send "&4&lError: &cYou already purchased this!" to {_p} # message saying already purchase

    Im having trouble with this. When i click a GUI item its supposed to do this, yet it dosent. Heres the line:

    format slot 0 of player with dirt named "&7&lDirt Boost" with lore "&7This booster multiplys", "&7money by 2!" and "&6Cost: 20000" to run [set {DirtPP.%player%} to true]


  3. 1 hour ago, k8katt said:

    Hi! My friend created a server for the two of us to play on, and we tried it out today! It worked just fine the first time, and we were able to play no problem. However, we both had to leave and attend to other things for a little bit so we closed the server while we were gone. When we tried to log back on around 45 minutes later, my friend couldn't access the server even though they created it. Every time they attempted to join it just sent them to a big lobby with a bunch of other people, and trying /join and other codes just sent them to other lobbies. I could still get into our server no problem, but my friend still can't get in. They tried restarting minecraft and the server and nothing has worked. What should we do to fix this? 

    Is the server whitelisted?

  4. 41 minutes ago, melted_icees said:

    I just made a server today for me and a friend to play on then after we were done, i shut the server down. Now i'm trying to log on to it again and it won't let me in, but it lets my friend in. I've tried restarting my computer, the server, and minecraft but it doesn't seem to work. It just sends me to the lobbies every time i try to join, anything I can do?

    Is the server whitelisted? If so, are you whitelisted? If you aren't whitelisted, go to the console and type /whitelist add <username> or /whitelist off

  5. 2 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

    I have achieved something never been done before. 2000 posts on the Minehut Forums.

    It's taken around 5-6 months since I started. Was it worth it? yes and no



    Also 50 Days Won!


    1000th Post

    Now to never post again to keep it at 2000 lmao

  6. 1 minute ago, _iZ_ said:

    This probably isn't the most efficient way, but it should work:

    on chat:
    	set {_nums::*} to split "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0" at " "
    	set {_chat::*} to split message at ""
    	loop {_chat::*}:
    		if {_nums::*} contains loop-value:
    			add 1 to {_count}
    	set {_length} to length of message
    	if {_count} / {_length} >= 0.25:
    		#code here

    I think you need SkQuery for this to work but I'm not 100% sure.

    Thanks 😄


  7. On 12/11/2020 at 10:13 AM, CordeliaPlays said:

    Brewery involves stuff that goes against minehuts rules. And Minecraft health and hunger being shared is possible to create through skript.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, gluxes09 said:

    I have a server and I've tried to play it but it just said this. I tried other servers like Hypixel and it worked but for some reason my server won't work!? If you can help me thank you!

    This can sometimes mean you have bad internet, or something happened to the server and crashed.

  9. 3 hours ago, 83y said:
      Hide contents

    You only have to vote for 4160 days consecutively, easy.

    Which converts into 594 weeks

    Which converts into 138 months

    Which converts into 11 years

    So ye, it'll only take you a decade to get patreon rank! I recommend you start voting now before its too late!


    If you clicked on this your either checking to see if its legit or your gullible. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


    this is too op

  10. On 12/11/2020 at 9:17 PM, TheGoose said:

    Oh my

    Oh my


    1 hour ago, chickenzez said:

    could you show me how to add this to the server
    idk how to 

    Install Skript on your minecraft server. Then restart. Once you have skript, go to minehut.com > Dashboard > File Manager > Plugins > Skript > scripts > Create a file (e.g. name: Manhunt.sk) must end with .sk. Go to the link provided by goose (https://parser.skunity.com/c77b0ff8) then paste that into the file. Once you do that go in minecraft and type /sk reload Manhunt.sk

  11. 10 hours ago, _iZ_ said:

    For some reason in Skript you can't use expressions like %{_p}'s uuid% in functions... Instead you have to set a variable to their uuid, like {_u}, and call that instead of {_p}'s uuid.

    function BuyWoodSword(p: player):
    	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
    	if {balance::%{_u}%} is >= 300:
    		remove 300 from {balance::%{_u}%}
    		give {_p} 1 wooden sword
    		send "&aSuccessfully purchased &2Wooden Sword!" to {_p}
    		send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p}


    Still can't compare with an integer :/

  12. I'm getting an error saying "Can't compare {Balance::%{_p}'s uuid%} with an integer" here is my skript:

    function BuyWoodSword(p: player):
    	if {balance::%{_p}'s uuid%} is >= 300:
    		remove 300 from {balance::%{_p}'s uuid%}
    		give {_p} 1 wooden sword
    		send "&aSuccessfully purchased &2Wooden Sword!" to {_p}
    		send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p}

    anyone know a solve to this

  13. I want to download some logs because my server recently crashed. I can't do /dl log because that downloads the latest log, with no other sub-command. Anyway i can download previous logs, or at the very least, view them?

  14. 59 minutes ago, BlakeGamez said:

    Hello Minehut!

    I am here to inform you about a competition I am holding. It's where you need to put 45 plugins a ton of people like or that are very popular. I will then see who put the most effort into it and I will give them a VIP rank. More info in the discord


    Invite: https://discord.gg/dHzMYChAUp

    Thanks for helping me and have a great day!

    I suggest building up your rep before holding a competition


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