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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. i made this skript (plain skript) for summoning a specific amount of mobs with one command, and i'm getting an error saying it can't understand the condition or effect in line 14.

    command /create <text> [<number>]:
        permission: skript.create
        permission message: "&c&lHey! &r&4Sorry, but you can't use this command."
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send "&c&l[&4&lError&c&l] &r&4Mob is not set."
            if arg-1 is "Mobs":
                send "&cMobs: Cow, Pig"
            if arg-1 is "Cow":
                if arg-2 is not set:
                    send "&c&l[&4&lError&c&l] &r&4Set the amount of mobs you wish to summon"
                    set {number} to arg-2
                    summon %{number}% cows at location 122, 65, -282 in world "world"

    can anyone help?

  2. i know this is necroposting but i redid some of the script so set the color of the name too!

        c: {chatcolor.%player%}
        n: {name.%player%}
    on join:
        if {chatcolor.%player%} is not set:
            set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&8"
        if {name.%player%} is not set:
            set {name.%player%} to "&7"
    on chat:
        cancel event
        broadcast "%{name.%player%}%%player's display name%: %{chatcolor.%player%}%%message%"
    command /color [<text>]:
        aliases: /c
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6/color &0Black, &1Blue, &2DarkGreen, &3DarkAqua, &4DarkRed, &5DarkPurple, &6Gold, &7Gray, &8DarkGray, &9Blue, &aGreen, &bAqua, &cRed, &dLightPurple, &eYellow, &fWhite, &lBold&r, &oItalic&r, &nUnderline&r, &mStrike&r, &kMagic &r(Magic)" to player
            set {_check} to "%{@c}%"
            set {@c} to "" if arg-1 is "Clear", "Reset" or "Default"
            set {@c} to "&0" if arg-1 is "Black" or "&0"
            set {@c} to "&1" if arg-1 is "DarkBlue" or "&1"
            set {@c} to "&2" if arg-1 is "DarkGreen" or "&2"
            set {@c} to "&3" if arg-1 is "DarkAqua" or "&3"
            set {@c} to "&4" if arg-1 is "DarkRed" or "&4"
            set {@c} to "&5" if arg-1 is "DarkPurple" or "&5"
            set {@c} to "&6" if arg-1 is "Gold" or "&6"
            set {@c} to "&7" if arg-1 is "Gray" or "&7"
            set {@c} to "&8" if arg-1 is "DarkGray" or "&8"
            set {@c} to "&9" if arg-1 is "Blue" or "&9"
            set {@c} to "&a" if arg-1 is "Green" or "&a"
            set {@c} to "&b" if arg-1 is "Aqua" or "&b"
            set {@c} to "&c" if arg-1 is "Red" or "&c"
            set {@c} to "&d" if arg-1 is "LightPurple" or "&d"
            set {@c} to "&e" if arg-1 is "Yellow" or "&e"
            set {@c} to "&f" if arg-1 is "White" or "&f"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&l" if arg-1 is "Bold" or "&b"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&o" if arg-1 is "Italics" or "&o"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&n" if arg-1 is "Underline" or "&n"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&m" if arg-1 is "Strike" or "&m"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&k" if arg-1 is "Magic" or "&k"
            replace all "&l" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&l&l"
            replace all "&o" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&o&o"
            replace all "&n" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&n&n"
            replace all "&m" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&m&m"
            replace all "&k" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&k&k"
            send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &cError. Invalid color!" to player if {_check} is "%{@c}%"
    command /name [<text>]:
        aliases: /n
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6/color &0Black, &1Blue, &2DarkGreen, &3DarkAqua, &4DarkRed, &5DarkPurple, &6Gold, &7Gray, &8DarkGray, &9Blue, &aGreen, &bAqua, &cRed, &dLightPurple, &eYellow, &fWhite, &lBold&r, &oItalic&r, &nUnderline&r, &mStrike&r, &kMagic &r(Magic)" to player
            set {_check} to "%{@n}%"
            set {@n} to "" if arg-1 is "Clear", "Reset" or "Default"
            set {@n} to "&0" if arg-1 is "Black" or "&0"
            set {@n} to "&1" if arg-1 is "DarkBlue" or "&1"
            set {@n} to "&2" if arg-1 is "DarkGreen" or "&2"
            set {@n} to "&3" if arg-1 is "DarkAqua" or "&3"
            set {@n} to "&4" if arg-1 is "DarkRed" or "&4"
            set {@n} to "&5" if arg-1 is "DarkPurple" or "&5"
            set {@n} to "&6" if arg-1 is "Gold" or "&6"
            set {@n} to "&7" if arg-1 is "Gray" or "&7"
            set {@n} to "&8" if arg-1 is "DarkGray" or "&8"
            set {@n} to "&9" if arg-1 is "Blue" or "&9"
            set {@n} to "&a" if arg-1 is "Green" or "&a"
            set {@n} to "&b" if arg-1 is "Aqua" or "&b"
            set {@n} to "&c" if arg-1 is "Red" or "&c"
            set {@n} to "&d" if arg-1 is "LightPurple" or "&d"
            set {@n} to "&e" if arg-1 is "Yellow" or "&e"
            set {@n} to "&f" if arg-1 is "White" or "&f"
            set {@n} to "%{@n}%&l" if arg-1 is "Bold" or "&b"
            set {@n} to "%{@n}%&o" if arg-1 is "Italics" or "&o"
            set {@n} to "%{@n}%&n" if arg-1 is "Underline" or "&n"
            set {@n} to "%{@n}%&m" if arg-1 is "Strike" or "&m"
            set {@n} to "%{@n}%&k" if arg-1 is "Magic" or "&k"
            replace all "&l" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&l&l"
            replace all "&o" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&o&o"
            replace all "&n" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&n&n"
            replace all "&m" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&m&m"
            replace all "&k" in {@n} with "" if {@n} contains "&k&k"
            send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &cError. Invalid color!" to player if {_check} is "%{@n}%"


  3. I found this script in script releases, and i wanted to use it. One thing i had in mind that i don't know how do to is making chat rainbow, like in cherryPR.

        c: {chatcolor.%player%}
    on join:
        if {chatcolor.%player%} is not set:
            set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&f"
    on chat:
        cancel event
        broadcast "%player's display name% &e»&r %{chatcolor.%player%}%%message%"
    command /color [<text>]:
        aliases: /c
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6/color &0Black, &1Blue, &2DarkGreen, &3DarkAqua, &4DarkRed, &5DarkPurple, &6Gold, &7Gray, &8DarkGray, &9Blue, &aGreen, &bAqua, &cRed, &dLightPurple, &eYellow, &fWhite, &lBold&r, &oItalic&r, &nUnderline&r, &mStrike&r, &kMagic &r(Magic)" to player
            set {_check} to "%{@c}%"
            set {@c} to "" if arg-1 is "Clear", "Reset" or "Default"
            set {@c} to "&0" if arg-1 is "Black" or "&0"
            set {@c} to "&1" if arg-1 is "DarkBlue" or "&1"
            set {@c} to "&2" if arg-1 is "DarkGreen" or "&2"
            set {@c} to "&3" if arg-1 is "DarkAqua" or "&3"
            set {@c} to "&4" if arg-1 is "DarkRed" or "&4"
            set {@c} to "&5" if arg-1 is "DarkPurple" or "&5"
            set {@c} to "&6" if arg-1 is "Gold" or "&6"
            set {@c} to "&7" if arg-1 is "Gray" or "&7"
            set {@c} to "&8" if arg-1 is "DarkGray" or "&8"
            set {@c} to "&9" if arg-1 is "Blue" or "&9"
            set {@c} to "&a" if arg-1 is "Green" or "&a"
            set {@c} to "&b" if arg-1 is "Aqua" or "&b"
            set {@c} to "&c" if arg-1 is "Red" or "&c"
            set {@c} to "&d" if arg-1 is "LightPurple" or "&d"
            set {@c} to "&e" if arg-1 is "Yellow" or "&e"
            set {@c} to "&f" if arg-1 is "White" or "&f"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&l" if arg-1 is "Bold" or "&b"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&o" if arg-1 is "Italics" or "&o"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&n" if arg-1 is "Underline" or "&n"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&m" if arg-1 is "Strike" or "&m"
            set {@c} to "%{@c}%&k" if arg-1 is "Magic" or "&k"
            replace all "&l" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&l&l"
            replace all "&o" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&o&o"
            replace all "&n" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&n&n"
            replace all "&m" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&m&m"
            replace all "&k" in {@c} with "" if {@c} contains "&k&k"
            send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &cError. Invalid color!" to player if {_check} is "%{@c}%"
            send "&8&l[&6&lColor&8&l] &6Color succesfully changed!" to player if {_check} is not "%{@c}%"

    Any assistance will be helpful

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